Sunday, March 31, 2002
I read in your book that I must moisturize. I'm getting ready to graduate and feeling bad about my body image. Is there any minor things I can do to look good...or snatched? I just feel fat..and ugly...
love the site...thanks for keeping life intresting.
I luv you and have a serious skin disorder and would like to know how you get your skin to look so flawless, Ive read Mathu does your make up and would like to know a simple technique of application, also a good product to use. Also if there is a book you have out to teach me this please let me know(also Mathu). Thank you for your consideration.
when an airplane flies off into the horizon, it looks like it’s getting smaller and smaller. but, is the plane actually shrinking ? no. it just looks that way from where you are standing, your perception is askew. the eye can be tricked. i constantly asked God to guide my thoughts, my feelings and my perceptions on a daily basis. you could be the most beautiful creature on the planet, but in your eyes, you think you look like a piece of crap. the pictures you see of me have been WHOOSH’D and WHOMP’D by photoshop (and don’t get it twisted, so have the pictures of the teenage models in ALL the magazines). and yes, there are things you can do to improve your physical appearance...exercise, sleep, drink only water, don't smoke, stay out of the sun and eat real food, but the major changes will occur when you learn to change your perceptions...ie, change your mind. the thoughts that you think are very powerful and they manifest themselves in and on your body. so here the old cliche really does apply...beauty comes from within.
“use the force, luke!”
love, ru.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, March 31, 2002
at Sunday, March 31, 2002 | Permalink
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