Wednesday, May 31, 2006
we are still in the process of re-doing the website in anticipation of the new cd "rupaul. reworked", which drops june 13th (although i've been told they're already selling it at the Virgin Megastore).
in the meantime, check out THIS RuPAUL SITE and then take a gander at THIS OTHER RuPAUL SITE.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 31, 2006 | Permalink
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
"...can't wait to see you perform this coming Sunday. hope i win the raffle drawing that Missie B's (nightclub) is doing to get the chance to meet you and thank you in person."
hi ron. i'm really looking forward to sunday in KC, too. a raffle? a meet & greet? i know nothing about that, and neither does anyone in my office. technically speaking, MISSIE B's is not fraudulent because they are raffling "the chance" to meet me. based on my extensive experience watching JUDGE JUDY, i know that any JOE SCHMOE can legally raffle "the chance" to meet JACKIE JUGGS or MELODY MELONS or whomever, because "the chance" is not something tangible.
when i'm booked to perform at a venue (Liberty Memorial Park-KC Gay Pride), the only professional appearance i make in that city is at the venue i have an exclusive contract with, but that doesn't exclude you hooking up with me in any number of the city's public restrooms. (that last part is a joke, ye tiresome world of little humor)
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 | Permalink
as we approached the PENSACOLA CIVIC CENTER, where my show with MARTHA WASH was being held, i saw 15 people on the corner with signs that i couldn't really make out except for the word "sin". one guy out there was carrying a 12 foot cross! that is fucking fierce.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 | Permalink
after the "town car" dropped us at LA GAURDIA on saturday, we were told our flight was delayed, which meant we'd miss our connection to PENSACOLA.
rebooked on a later flight, and bags checked through to our destination, we chose to catch the bus/train back to our respective homes rather than wait at the airport for 6 hours until our new flight departed. normally, we would have just jumped in a cab, but neither of us had ever taken the bus/train to and from LA GAURDIA, and since we didn't have to any bags to carry and plenty of time on our hands, we were thrilled at the experience.
it was a breeze! in just over an hour, i was back at my apartment, where i took a 3 hour nap before making the same journey in reverse.
click here for bus/train info. .
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 | Permalink
Thursday, May 25, 2006
CLICK HERE to check out my new music video for "supermodel 2006". it features behind the scenes "hooker" footage of STARRBOOTY: RELOADED. it'd be great if you could also tell a friend about it or perhaps add the video to your website. you better work, bitch!
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, May 25, 2006 | Permalink
even before i took my seat at the annual condo board meeting i was sweating profusely, and i knew why. i was filled with fear because i had chosen to show my face and have a voice on the board for the first time in 11 years.
by showing up, it meant i was no longer anonymous. from here on out i would be thought of as an accessible, responsible adult, and these people not only know where i live, but they can knock on my front door without having to be buzzed up. that is what fucking terrified me.
midway through the meeting, i brought up an issue about the building's foyer that everyone agreed with me on, but i had to go and ruin my responsible adult routine by using the word "fucking" in my pitch. it didn't seem to bother anyone on the board except for me, in fact, they all laughed because i used it in the context of a joke, but i was horrified by my lack of decorum long into the night, well after the meeting had adjourned.
in all the years i did live morning radio i never cussed on the air. why on earth did i do it in the condo meeting?
well, i knew it had to do with being nervous, but it was my friend RANDY who pointed out that i subconsciously wanted to put the board members off so that they wouldn't feel free to come knocking on my door in a neighborly fashion.
oh, i see! it all makes sense now. that's an old trick i learned from MAMA. i am my mother's spawn. i am the son of "MEAN MISS CHARLES"!
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, May 25, 2006 | Permalink
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
*in the process of re-doing my website, and yes there will be an official MYSPACE account.
*still editing STARRBOOTY: RELOADED out in QUEENS. gonna do some "pick-up" shots for the movie in a couple of weeks.
*forgot to get the new DIXIE CHICKS cd yesterday. i'll get it today.
*i drove through PENSACOLA when i was a teenager. this weekend will be the first time i've been there since then.
*this weekend also marks the first time me and MARTHA WASH will perform our version of IT'S RAINING MEN live onstage.
*i'm still listening to FREDA PAYNE & CANDI STATON non-stop.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 24, 2006 | Permalink
Saturday, May 20, 2006
i'll be celebrating CHER'S birthday at MIKE RUIZ'S new apartment tonight. he's having people over, so i'll bring a copy of her music video hits on a DVD to play in the background. i'll suggest an "all things CHER" game of CELEBRITY or maybe a spirited game of CHERADES.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, May 20, 2006 | Permalink
Friday, May 19, 2006
for the past two weeks i've been obsessed with the music of FREDA PAYNE. i've known FREDA as a friend for several years, but i'm embarrassed to say i knew very little of her music. before a couple of weeks ago, i was only familiar with the two #1 records she had.
yes, i've owned one of her greatest hits cd's for well over ten years now, and last year in TORONTO i bought another of her greatest hits packages entitled UNHOOKED GENERATION, but it wasn't until my buddy MATHEOS gave me the remixes he did of BAND OF GOLD and BRING THE BOYS HOME that i dug up her early seventies catalog and fell head over heels in love.
yesterday, BOBBY SHAW sent me PAYNE & PLEASURE from 1974, an album she did after she left HOLLAND/DOZIER/HOLLAND. now, i'm hell bent on finding the two disco albums she recorded at CAPITOL RECORDS in 1978.
here is a list of my favorite FREDA PAYNE tracks:
Deeper And Deeper The Easiest Way To Fall Right Back Where We Started From You Brought The Joy Suddenly It's Yesterday Love On Borrowed Time Just A Woman Come Back Cherish What Is Dear To You Band Of Gold Bring The Boys Home Mama's Gone
Posted by Ru
at Friday, May 19, 2006 | Permalink
Sunday, May 07, 2006
friday night, i saw the workshop of "my deah", JOHN EPPERSON'S hilarious adaptation of EURIPIDES' "medea". i laughed so hard i almost hurt myself. the title role is played by the mesmerizing NANCY OPEL, who quite literally put me under her spell from beginning to end. the play has all the humor, wit and cleverness of MR. EPPERSON'S most famous production, "lypsinka".
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, May 07, 2006 | Permalink
Friday, May 05, 2006
the "super" in my building gave me an abandoned bike today, and all i had to do was put air in the tires. apparently, several bikes had been left behind by previous tenants, and in an effort to make space in the "bike room", he gave away the unclaimed. unfortunately, extra space will not be made in this case, because my new old bike will be parked in the same slot it occupied before i took possession.
i just got back from a midnight ride and all i have to say is hallelujah! it's been 8 long years since i last rode a bike in MANHATTAN, and boy (are my legs tired) have i missed it. in the 20 months that i've been back, i've thought about it non-stop, but never actually got around to getting a bike. but now, fate has taken care of that.
some of my fondest NEW YORK memories include a bike...
...like the time me and PJ mistakenly rode down "rat alley" near WALL ST. at 2 o'clock in the morning and almost had coronary seizures due to the sheer volume of the above mentioned. if i told you many we saw, you wouldn't believe me (right now, i'm taking a moment to scream).
...or the time i finally understood what all the fuss was about with the moody, cinematic music of THIS MORTAL COIL. it happened while i was listening to "the lacemaker" early one sunday morning while bicycling through CENTRAL PARK. pink flower petals fell from trees in slow motion as the sun illuminated their deliberate descent. i was wide awake in a dream. i was in heaven on two wheels.
tonight was just the beginning of many days and nights to come for me and my new old bicycle.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, May 05, 2006 | Permalink
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
my remix album "rupaul. reworked" comes out june 13th. i've been busy planning the marketing & publicity. obviously, my greatest tool will be the internet.
still fine tuning the edit on "STARRBOOTY: RELOADED". this movie is so funny, gorgeous and wrong! i can't wait for you to see it. there's been talk of holding it until next year's festival season, but i'm not sure if i can wait that long.
i'd noticed a few moths around my apartment this spring, so i got mothballs to keep the naughty buggers from eating my clothes. big mistake. not only did they make my apartment smell like my GRANDMOTHER'S house, but i got a headache the moment i placed the toxic little spheres in the closets. no wonder they drive the moths away, they make life unbearable for humans too! in less than 24 hours, i removed all mothballs from the premises, but that smell is still there.
yesterday, JONNO sent me a reminder that the DYNASTY REUNION would be airing later that night on CBS. one of my fondest memories of his visit to L.A. was the two of us watching DYNASTY reruns every night on SOAP NET at one o'clock in the morning. we'd get our snacks and cigarettes ready for the viewing, and then wait for the best ALEXIS line, which we would quote ad nauseam the following day.
one of our favorite lines occurred after someone commented on how beautiful KRYSTLE is. ALEXIS' reply was "yes, but only when she smiles". genius!
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 03, 2006 | Permalink
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