Tuesday, May 30, 2006
"...can't wait to see you perform this coming Sunday. hope i win the raffle drawing that Missie B's (nightclub) is doing to get the chance to meet you and thank you in person."
hi ron. i'm really looking forward to sunday in KC, too. a raffle? a meet & greet? i know nothing about that, and neither does anyone in my office. technically speaking, MISSIE B's is not fraudulent because they are raffling "the chance" to meet me. based on my extensive experience watching JUDGE JUDY, i know that any JOE SCHMOE can legally raffle "the chance" to meet JACKIE JUGGS or MELODY MELONS or whomever, because "the chance" is not something tangible.
when i'm booked to perform at a venue (Liberty Memorial Park-KC Gay Pride), the only professional appearance i make in that city is at the venue i have an exclusive contract with, but that doesn't exclude you hooking up with me in any number of the city's public restrooms. (that last part is a joke, ye tiresome world of little humor)
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
at Tuesday, May 30, 2006 | Permalink
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