Friday, May 05, 2006
the "super" in my building gave me an abandoned bike today, and all i had to do was put air in the tires. apparently, several bikes had been left behind by previous tenants, and in an effort to make space in the "bike room", he gave away the unclaimed. unfortunately, extra space will not be made in this case, because my new old bike will be parked in the same slot it occupied before i took possession.
i just got back from a midnight ride and all i have to say is hallelujah! it's been 8 long years since i last rode a bike in MANHATTAN, and boy (are my legs tired) have i missed it. in the 20 months that i've been back, i've thought about it non-stop, but never actually got around to getting a bike. but now, fate has taken care of that.
some of my fondest NEW YORK memories include a bike...
...like the time me and PJ mistakenly rode down "rat alley" near WALL ST. at 2 o'clock in the morning and almost had coronary seizures due to the sheer volume of the above mentioned. if i told you many we saw, you wouldn't believe me (right now, i'm taking a moment to scream).
...or the time i finally understood what all the fuss was about with the moody, cinematic music of THIS MORTAL COIL. it happened while i was listening to "the lacemaker" early one sunday morning while bicycling through CENTRAL PARK. pink flower petals fell from trees in slow motion as the sun illuminated their deliberate descent. i was wide awake in a dream. i was in heaven on two wheels.
tonight was just the beginning of many days and nights to come for me and my new old bicycle.
Posted by Ru
Friday, May 05, 2006
at Friday, May 05, 2006 | Permalink
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