Monday, October 31, 2005
i love being in El Lay! just a few short years ago, you would have never caught me uttering those words. it wasn't until my last 2 years of living here that i started to love the "city of angels". i had so many bad memories associated with growing up in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA that i couldn't appreciate the beauty of it. now, after several years of therapy, i can honestly say i love L.A.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 31, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, October 29, 2005
the only sour note on RuPAUL DAY in SF was the fact that it was such a terrible day for GEORGE W. BUSH.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, October 29, 2005 | Permalink
today was the second (oh shit...sidebar...it just occurred to me that the word SECOND has two different meanings. SECOND as in "give it a second to get hard " and SECOND as in "she took second place in his life after the Lord".) ok, i got that out of the way. as i was saying, today was the second time i flew to SAN FRANCISCO from NYC and was greeted at the door of the plane by a male porn star who's day job was that of flight attendant.
the first time was back in '95 when one of my truly all-time favorites, "mike nichols" was standing at the end of the boarding ramp to welcome me onto the aircraft. i thought i was dreaming! mike-hot-as-hell-fuck-machine-nichols greeting me and telling me where to sit. OUCH!
this morning, i was granted permission to board ship by that sizzling BRAZILIAN dude from MICHAEL LUCAS' "auditions #1". i've met him several times, but i can't remember his name because i'm unable to focus when he is near me. dear lord, talk about "flying the friendly skies". i gotta come out here more often.
it wasn't until after we landed that JOELLE told me the mayor had proclaimed october 28th, 2005 RuPAUL DAY in SAN FRANCISCO. i could feel my eyes welling up with tears, as i was genuinely moved. later, at the TOWER RECORDS signing for my cd and doll, the deputy mayor presented me with the proclamation, and during his speech, the one thing he said that really resonated in my head was that "no matter what i did today, i wouldn't be arrested and taken to jail". i told him "why in the hell didn't you tell me that earlier? i would have arrived yesterday!"
i'm pretty sure tonight's signing was my biggest turn-out ever. it was great fun! MAGGIE and LeROID and all the kids over at TOWER in THE CASTRO did a terrific job of making it run smoothly. my 'ol buddy JACK was in town and did security for me. JACK really is "the bee's knees". tomorrow night, i perform HERE .
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, October 29, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
we start shooting "the untitled rupaul movie project" the day after i get back from CALI. is juggling so many projects all at once too much for me to handle? probably, but fuck it. i got but one life to live, and i'm gonna squeeze as much into it as i can muster. i spent several years in LOS ANGELES counting flowers, barbecuing chicken and not watching my weight, the least i could do now is to crank my gumption into overdrive.
we had a table reading of the script at my house tonight, not with the full cast, but just with me and CANDIS CAYNE and the production team. the script is very funny, but i'm concerned that CANDIS has funnier lines than me. well, i still have a little time to scribble in a few choice nuggets of hilarity for my ego... er um, i mean for my character.
MICHAEL LUCAS agreed to accept a role in the movie, on the condition that i direct one of the four vignettes in his next all-male, xxx feature film. of course, i said yes. i'll just make sure his scenes are not filmed on the same day we film OWEN HAWK. the two gorgeous hunks are currently engaged in a bitter legal battle.
as you can imagine, i'm pulling alot of favors, and promising alot of blowjobs to get this movie made on a high-heel shoestring budget. the following is an open grovel to anyone who might be able to help. we need "a corporate boardroom, a fabulous elevator bank and reception area" location in NEW YORK CITY to film a scene. the shoot would last about 2 hours and consist of 20 people. a record company or book publishing company would be ideal. holla back if you can help.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, October 26, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, October 22, 2005
i went to OPALINE friday night with T'MISHA TOMORROW. it's a club on 39th street between 5th & 6th avenue, that's very reminiscent of DANCETERIA circa 1983 with it's four floors of debauchery. instead of dancing, the go-go boys were coupled on platforms where they massaged each other "between me down dere".
KENNY KENNY was on the door, and i ran into a bunch of my "ol skool niggaz from back in the day" including AMANDA LEPORE, MISTRESS FORMICA, and LADY MISS KIER, who i haven't seen since a gig we did together in THE SOUTH OF FRANCE ten years ago. overall, i enjoyed the hour we stayed there. it's just not the same without a bottle of vodka in my purse and an eight-ball of coke up my nose.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, October 22, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, October 21, 2005
oh my sweet gherkins, you are gonna friggin' flip when you see my new music video for "people are people". i got a rough cut today and i had only one minor change for the director, which is probably a first for this alpha scorpio. i can't wait for you to see it! i swear, it changes the game completely.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, October 21, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
we've just added a legendary downtown superstar to the cast of "the untitled rupaul movie project". she's actually coming out of retirement to play a role written especially for her. ladies and gentlemen, i'm proud to announce the return of LaHoma Van Zant.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, October 19, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, October 16, 2005
i had lunch with ALLEE WILLIS on friday. she wrote the songs for THE COLOR PURPLE, along with STEPHEN BRAY & BRENDA RUSSELL. she introduced me to the cast, who all seemed fabulous. the show opens on BROADWAY december 1st.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, October 16, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, October 13, 2005
the most memorable performance in a movie i saw this year was from THIS ACTOR. the movie is called MYSTERIOUS SKIN, and for his part he deserves an OSCAR.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, October 13, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
IN HER SHOES is my favorite movie of the year. it's absolutely perfect and brilliantly cast. there isn't anything i'd change about this film. the only other movies i remember loving this year were THE UPSIDE OF ANGER, MR. AND MRS. SMITH and THE CONSTANT GARDNER.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, October 11, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, October 10, 2005
i love babies and puppies, but that doesn't mean i wanna run out and get one, or both. i just happen to prefer peace and quiet, but say that out loud in a crowded room and people will have you summed up as a mean, uncaring witch who should be burned at the stake.
i have more than a gripe with people who try to shame me into having the same personal values that they have. if anything, those shame tactics make me wanna do the complete opposite of whatever it is those people are promoting.
take it up a few notches and you have the "holy rollers" who feel they've been called by God to terrorize people in the name of "what is right". whether they're flying airplanes into buildings, bombing abortion clinics or throwing tofu cream pies at the editor of VOGUE, it's still terrorism. practicing they're own beliefs isn't enough for them, they have to shame and frighten other people into practicing they're beliefs also.
humans are animals. animals eat other animals. if a tiger hunts and kills an impala, and then prances around the wilderness with the carcass, i sure ain't gonna stop her because it's in her nature to do so. can you imagine them throwing a tofu cream pie at that tiger for being "cruel to animals"? it's ridiculous. it's like telling a teenager with raging hormones to abstain from sex until after marriage.
why is it that the doctrines of the self-righteous always involve abstaining from our natural impulses? perhaps the only trait that separates us from other animals is our need to be self-righteous press whores.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, October 10, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, October 06, 2005
ARI GOLD & OWEN HAWK have joined the cast of the "UNTITLED RuPAUL MOVIE PROJECT".
ARI GOLD has a new coffeetable book out featuring beautiful, sexy photographs of himself. CLICK HERE for more information.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, October 06, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
hey kiddo, i'm sorry for the long lapse between posts. i've been preoccupied with a bunch of projects on my plate including a new movie that will begin shooting in 4 weeks. me and BRIAN HEINBERG are writing it, and MIKE RUIZ will direct.
it'll be done in that sick and twisted "guerilla" style that i used to do in ATLANTA all those years ago. the plan is for this one to go straight to DVD packed with lots of gratuitous sex and violence, and of course oodles of glamour. so far, the cast includes CANDIS CAYNE, GUS MATTOX, MICHELLE VISAGE and me.
i'll keep you posted.
p.s. - me and MICHELLE have been "working out" EVERYDAY together with separate trainers. very "raw shaw shaw".
oh and happy new year.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 | Permalink
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