Wednesday, October 05, 2005
hey kiddo, i'm sorry for the long lapse between posts. i've been preoccupied with a bunch of projects on my plate including a new movie that will begin shooting in 4 weeks. me and BRIAN HEINBERG are writing it, and MIKE RUIZ will direct.
it'll be done in that sick and twisted "guerilla" style that i used to do in ATLANTA all those years ago. the plan is for this one to go straight to DVD packed with lots of gratuitous sex and violence, and of course oodles of glamour. so far, the cast includes CANDIS CAYNE, GUS MATTOX, MICHELLE VISAGE and me.
i'll keep you posted.
p.s. - me and MICHELLE have been "working out" EVERYDAY together with separate trainers. very "raw shaw shaw".
oh and happy new year.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 | Permalink
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