Monday, October 10, 2005
i love babies and puppies, but that doesn't mean i wanna run out and get one, or both. i just happen to prefer peace and quiet, but say that out loud in a crowded room and people will have you summed up as a mean, uncaring witch who should be burned at the stake.
i have more than a gripe with people who try to shame me into having the same personal values that they have. if anything, those shame tactics make me wanna do the complete opposite of whatever it is those people are promoting.
take it up a few notches and you have the "holy rollers" who feel they've been called by God to terrorize people in the name of "what is right". whether they're flying airplanes into buildings, bombing abortion clinics or throwing tofu cream pies at the editor of VOGUE, it's still terrorism. practicing they're own beliefs isn't enough for them, they have to shame and frighten other people into practicing they're beliefs also.
humans are animals. animals eat other animals. if a tiger hunts and kills an impala, and then prances around the wilderness with the carcass, i sure ain't gonna stop her because it's in her nature to do so. can you imagine them throwing a tofu cream pie at that tiger for being "cruel to animals"? it's ridiculous. it's like telling a teenager with raging hormones to abstain from sex until after marriage.
why is it that the doctrines of the self-righteous always involve abstaining from our natural impulses? perhaps the only trait that separates us from other animals is our need to be self-righteous press whores.
Posted by Ru
Monday, October 10, 2005
at Monday, October 10, 2005 | Permalink
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