Saturday, October 29, 2005
today was the second (oh shit...sidebar...it just occurred to me that the word SECOND has two different meanings. SECOND as in "give it a second to get hard " and SECOND as in "she took second place in his life after the Lord".) ok, i got that out of the way. as i was saying, today was the second time i flew to SAN FRANCISCO from NYC and was greeted at the door of the plane by a male porn star who's day job was that of flight attendant.
the first time was back in '95 when one of my truly all-time favorites, "mike nichols" was standing at the end of the boarding ramp to welcome me onto the aircraft. i thought i was dreaming! mike-hot-as-hell-fuck-machine-nichols greeting me and telling me where to sit. OUCH!
this morning, i was granted permission to board ship by that sizzling BRAZILIAN dude from MICHAEL LUCAS' "auditions #1". i've met him several times, but i can't remember his name because i'm unable to focus when he is near me. dear lord, talk about "flying the friendly skies". i gotta come out here more often.
it wasn't until after we landed that JOELLE told me the mayor had proclaimed october 28th, 2005 RuPAUL DAY in SAN FRANCISCO. i could feel my eyes welling up with tears, as i was genuinely moved. later, at the TOWER RECORDS signing for my cd and doll, the deputy mayor presented me with the proclamation, and during his speech, the one thing he said that really resonated in my head was that "no matter what i did today, i wouldn't be arrested and taken to jail". i told him "why in the hell didn't you tell me that earlier? i would have arrived yesterday!"
i'm pretty sure tonight's signing was my biggest turn-out ever. it was great fun! MAGGIE and LeROID and all the kids over at TOWER in THE CASTRO did a terrific job of making it run smoothly. my 'ol buddy JACK was in town and did security for me. JACK really is "the bee's knees". tomorrow night, i perform HERE .
Posted by Ru
Saturday, October 29, 2005
at Saturday, October 29, 2005 | Permalink
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