Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Dear RuPaul,
My name is Claryssa and I am fourteen years old. Yesturday (6/19/04) I attended the Cleveland Pride Parade/Festival. I was having a fabulous time with my girlfriends and family. When you came out we were so excited. We squeezed through the crowd and somehow made it to the front row. I was in awe watching your beautiful self perform. I was extremely excited when you gave my girlfriends and I a chance to go up on stage with you. I was the girl with the hot pink shirt on and stickers on my jeans. Walking the runway with you on stage with all those people was one of the best moments of me entire life. I will remember it always. Thank you for inspiring me and so many others by everything you do...you know what I'm talking about. You are so beautiful.
Love Always and Forever
Cleveland, Ohio
How do I look?... How do I feel?... A little bit of love baby, A little bit of money...
My girlfriends and I sang this on our way home with big, perky smiles on our faces.
Thank You!
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 22, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, June 21, 2004
i wanna write about CLEVELAND GAY PRIDE because it was so fucking awesome, but i’m too sleepy to keep my eyes open right now. tomorrow morning, i’m doing the vocals for my part in the movie musical ZOMBIE PROM. we shoot in august, and i’m in practically every scene. the shooting schedule totally conflicts with the release of RuPAUL RED-HOT! (august 17th), but i couldn’t say no to this movie...it’s gonna be alot of fun (plus the director is really cute).
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 21, 2004 | Permalink
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
i started SOMERSIZING after i finished the book EAT GREAT, LOSE WEIGHT two weeks ago. so far, i’ve lost 6 pounds. JOELLE gave me the new DAVID SEDARIS book DRESS YOUR FAMILY IN CORDUROY AND DENIM on the day we left for BRAZIL. i don’t want to read it too fast because i don’t want it to end.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 15, 2004 | Permalink
sunday night’s show in SALT LAKE CITY was completely and thoroughly off the hook. i had a fabulous time because of the enthusiasm of the crowd and the love i got from this one dude in particular. he was very tall and he stood close to stage left. he had to have gotten that spot early because the joint was literally packed to the rafters. throughout the show, i could feel this overwhelming love he had for me, and from beginning to end, i let him know how good it felt to bask in his energy. it felt like GOD was letting me know how proud he is of me. i shall never in all my years forget this heavenly creature...i want to live with him.
as i write this, it’s almost four in the morning and i can’t decide if i wanna go to the gym or go to bed. i’ve been up since seven (monday morning) and i just got home from a performance at PEANUTS. all my friends showed up tonight and that made me feel terrific. VIVA, RAJA, JAZZMUN and KIWI all did songs from my back catalog, and i did SUPERMODEL and my new single LOOKING GOOD, FEELING GORGEOUS. what a great way to kick-off the RuPAUL RED HOT SUMMER TOUR. JACK arranged for me to have a huge WINNEBEGO parked in front of the club for use as my dressing room. it was massive. we all hung out in there before we went on stage. i’m in love with life right now.
i can’t write anymore...i gotta go to bed.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 15, 2004 | Permalink
Sunday, June 13, 2004
“ To RuPaul,
I really didn’t forget...I’ve been away in Brazil.
Always, Diana Ross”
after i met ROSS, almost ten years ago, she sent me an autographed photo of herself on my request. when it arrived, i thought the inscription was a little odd, and so did my then boyfriend...so much so, that he continues to mock it to this very day. the funny thing is that all of last week during my visit to SAO PAULO, i could hear his voice in my head (mocking ROSS) saying the above quote.
i love BRAZIL, deeply. i’ve felt that way ever since my first visit in ‘96. i could so live there, and the only other place i’ve ever said that about is AUSTRALIA. in BRAZIL, the people are warm and sensual and breathtakingly beautiful.
when we arrived, we saw posters with my face plastered all over the city, not the current promo picture, but a shot from ten years ago. apparently, the club promoter allowed the president of my BRAZILIAN fan club to choose his favorite photo to be on the poster advertising my appearance.
right beside every poster we saw of me, there was another poster announcing a BILLY “Me & Mrs. Jones” PAUL concert. it looked as though the PAUL family was taking over SAO PAULO night life, especially since (as usual) my first name was separated into two names, giving the impression that PAUL was my last name.
sunday night, all be performing my new show in SALT LAKE CITY, and then i’ll perform my new single “Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous” at PEANUTS in WEST HOLLYWOOD on monday night.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, June 13, 2004 | Permalink
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
this morning, i woke up at 4:15 and was at the gym by 4:45. i worked out for 90 minutes and steamed for 20. i got home by 8:am, had breakfast and then called PJ in NYC. JOELLE came in early because i had promo “phoners” all day from 9:am until 5:pm, with a 20 minute lunch break in between. MICHELLE VISAGE stopped by to pick up her IPOD that i loaded up and a tube of MAC “playboy pink” lipstick. at 5:30 pm i drove down to the bike shop to have the seats on my two bikes replaced with cushy ones. by 6:30, i was biking at my fave spot and listening to the best of LISA LISA & CULT JAM. i’ve just finished packing my gym bag for tomorrow, and i’ll be in bed by 9:pm.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 01, 2004 | Permalink
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