Tuesday, June 15, 2004
sunday night’s show in SALT LAKE CITY was completely and thoroughly off the hook. i had a fabulous time because of the enthusiasm of the crowd and the love i got from this one dude in particular. he was very tall and he stood close to stage left. he had to have gotten that spot early because the joint was literally packed to the rafters. throughout the show, i could feel this overwhelming love he had for me, and from beginning to end, i let him know how good it felt to bask in his energy. it felt like GOD was letting me know how proud he is of me. i shall never in all my years forget this heavenly creature...i want to live with him.
as i write this, it’s almost four in the morning and i can’t decide if i wanna go to the gym or go to bed. i’ve been up since seven (monday morning) and i just got home from a performance at PEANUTS. all my friends showed up tonight and that made me feel terrific. VIVA, RAJA, JAZZMUN and KIWI all did songs from my back catalog, and i did SUPERMODEL and my new single LOOKING GOOD, FEELING GORGEOUS. what a great way to kick-off the RuPAUL RED HOT SUMMER TOUR. JACK arranged for me to have a huge WINNEBEGO parked in front of the club for use as my dressing room. it was massive. we all hung out in there before we went on stage. i’m in love with life right now.
i can’t write anymore...i gotta go to bed.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
at Tuesday, June 15, 2004 | Permalink
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