Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Dear RuPaul,
My name is Claryssa and I am fourteen years old. Yesturday (6/19/04) I attended the Cleveland Pride Parade/Festival. I was having a fabulous time with my girlfriends and family. When you came out we were so excited. We squeezed through the crowd and somehow made it to the front row. I was in awe watching your beautiful self perform. I was extremely excited when you gave my girlfriends and I a chance to go up on stage with you. I was the girl with the hot pink shirt on and stickers on my jeans. Walking the runway with you on stage with all those people was one of the best moments of me entire life. I will remember it always. Thank you for inspiring me and so many others by everything you do...you know what I'm talking about. You are so beautiful.
Love Always and Forever
Cleveland, Ohio
How do I look?... How do I feel?... A little bit of love baby, A little bit of money...
My girlfriends and I sang this on our way home with big, perky smiles on our faces.
Thank You!
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
at Tuesday, June 22, 2004 | Permalink
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