Monday, May 31, 2004
the other day, on my hike, i passed KATE JACKSON. i didn’t say anything to her (i never say anything to celebrities) because i didn’t have to, the smile on my face said it all. in that split second, she could see the love, respect and nostalgia i was experiencing on account of her.
sometimes, what isn’t spoken can be way more powerful than what is.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 31, 2004 | Permalink
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
This summer marks the much anticipated return of RuPaul to the world stage with the release of the sizzling new CD entitled RuPAUL RED~HOT!.
The CD is a collection of new dance songs that are guaranteed to set the dancefloor ablaze and ignite passion in the soul.
"I felt compelled to make this CD because of what’s happening socially and politically in the world right now. My presence has been missing from the cultural landscape for too long, and I’m ready to shake things up a bit. My first order of business is to release an album that heralds the power of truth, beauty, freedom and love. If you can dance, you can start a revolution".
In the songs "Coming Out of Hiding" and "Superman", RuPaul beautifully expresses the feeling of triumph over fear and adversity. On the anthems " Love is Love" and "My Love Sees No Color", Ru takes on Gay Marriage and the right to love whomever you want. Of course, it wouldn’t be a RuPaul album without the sassy playfulness that made the name RuPaul a household word, and Ru generously serves it up on "Are You Man Enough (To Be My Man)?" "Kinky/Freaky" and the classic bound single "Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous".
"It was a joy to make this album with so many new collaborators (Tom Trujillo, Marlaina Kemp, Chris Rosa) mixed with old friends (Siedah Garrett, Darrell Martin, Kristine W). RuPAUL RED~HOT! is a true labor of love and my gift to the world".
RuPaul skyrocketed to international fame with the release of the CD SUPERMODEL OF THE WORLD, which was followed by roles in several movies, THE RuPAUL SHOW on VH1, many high profile endorsement deals (including a beauty contract with MAC Cosmetics), a best-selling autobiography and fund raising worldwide for people living with HIV/AIDS.
"Shortly after the unveiling of my wax portrait at MADAME TRUSSAUD’S MUSEUM in Times Square, I chose to devote the lion’s share of my time to my personal growth and to my family. I reconnected with the part of me that I had left behind. Now, four years later I’m recharged, looking good and feeling gorgeous...and ready to let them have it!"
For interview requests contact:
Stephen Schulman SASi Public Relations
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 26, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, May 24, 2004
ladies and gentleman, over the years, i’ve received tons of fanmail. some of it sweet, and some of it sour. the letter you’re about to read is my favorite of all time...ok, not counting the one i got from an inmate at RIKERS ISLAND.
Dear RuPaul,
I don't even no how to beg-gan.
So, let me start by saying this,
I am not gay or bi-sexual, but eventhough
you are a Drag Queen, you are so sexy and lustful, I can't help but masturbate to you.
I masturbate my 11" rock hard and glossy dick that constantly oozes with hot precum to you everyday.
I masturbate to your sexy website, I masturbate to your sexy music videos, and I even masturbate to the nasty, pulsating beat of your music.
OOoooh, RuPaul, I want you so bad, I can taste you.
While dressed in your sexiest drag outfit, I want to suck, swallow, drull, and sollavor all over your big and juicey cock, honey!
I want to suck that big cock and make you BEG me for more.
I want to dress in drag myself as sexy Lil Kim
as we suck eachothers hard and juicey cocks.
then last, I want to fuck you in your tight and juicey asshole, Ru.
As a matter or fact, I'm sitting at my computer and masturbating to your pulsating music and one of your sexy websites as I type this nasty letter.
So please RuPaul, I'm Begging you, lets make a hot date to mutually masturbate eachothers swollen and pulsating cocks as we suck the oozing pre-cum from one another?
My name is Billy B, but you can call me
Billy The Beggar!
If you are interrested, my main number is:
***-***-**** If I don't answer, I'm Begging you
Ru, please leave a sexy and nasty message for me?
Also, my hot and sexy e-mail address is:
So, please e-mail me a sexy letter aswell.
As you can see Ru, I love to use the word BEGGING a lot.
To me, BEGGING is something that's very sexy.
Not standing on the street corner BEGGING
for money,
( unless you are a sexy prostitute or hoochie mama dressed in skimpy booty shorts with a matching halter top and shiny leather thigh high boots with six inch heels and a sexy hair due, sucking on a big deal pickle, Begging for a trick)
but Begging for sex in the bed room.
So, when and if you call me or e-mail me, use the word Begging a lot, in your most tone.
Believe it or not RuPaul, but I'm your biggest fan.
I dream of having freaky sex with you everyday.
I would love to meat you and fuck you oneday.
If not, then I guess I will just have to continue beating my hard and swollen dick into a soft and sribbled nub, and you don't want that do you?
P.s. Email me some nasty and freaky pictures of you, ppplllllleeeaaaaaassssssseeeeee Ru,
I'm Begging you!
Something that I can Beat off to.
If you want to know more about me, just call me, I'll be more than glad to tell you.
Your biggest fan
Billy Bee/
Billy The Beggar
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 24, 2004 | Permalink
NEW YORK MINUTE was most excellent! my niece laughed the whole way through, which made it really fun for me. THE OLSENS were very good. i haven’t seen them act since me and my friend ALISON saw IT TAKES TWO at the BEVERLY CENTER in ‘95. not only were me and ALISON the only adults, we were also the only audience members.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 24, 2004 | Permalink
Saturday, May 22, 2004
my niece, OLIVIA, called me yesterday and we spoke on the phone for about 30 minutes. she’s 5 years old and very intelligent. she asked me if i wanted to see THE OLSEN TWINS’ new movie with her and i said “sure!”. after we finished speaking, i sat and thought about how blessed i am. now ask yourself, if this moment was all life had to offer, would it be enough?
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, May 22, 2004 | Permalink
Thursday, May 20, 2004
i’ve been workin’ like a dog and i keep forgettin’ to write this goddamn blog. i haven’t even planned what i’m gonna do for CHER’S birthday tomorrow (may 20th). maybe i should honor LADY CHAR-CHAR by spending an extra hour at the gym doing cardio, while listening to my compilation of her remixes. i gotta get to fuckin’ bed so i can get up at the crack of dawn and workout...she would want me to.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, May 20, 2004 | Permalink
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
at dinner with RANDY BARBATO last week, he mentioned that he was executive producing a video series that features men doing wacky and provocative things with their bits and pieces. when i asked him if he had anyone doing foreskin tricks, his answer was “no, do you know someone who has that talent?”. i said “yes, my friend JACK has a whole repertoire of foreskin stunts that he can do”.
fast forward five days later, and there’s a camera crew in my basement filming JACK fill his foreskin with 19 marbles. the money shot came when JACK released the marbles into a glass bowl. JACK stuffed raisins, “docked” a cucumber, a banana and my bicycle handle bar, but the funniest thing was seeing him engulf a PHILLIPS screwdriver with his “man-gyna”. damn, i love JACK! he’s so much fun.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 19, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, May 17, 2004
I have been reading your weblog the past few weeks and must say you seem to be quite self-obsessed. With all the recent activity in Iraq, the Berg beheading, gay marriage in Massachusetts, etc., one might assume you would have something to say on these topics. Instead, the reader is bombarded with your shallow plight to stay youthful; erstwhile nicknaming Cher, Scar. You seem truly to me, a two-dimensional personality.
I do not intend to come across as judgmental or trite; however, I am apalled at your self-obsessed commentary. If you feel the need to fixate on your waning popularity, so be it, but at least attempt not to be so transparent.
Yours, Quinn
have you heard about all the shooting going on in IRAQ?
just this morning, the prison guards developed over 50 rolls of film! UGGGGH !
yours, rooster
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 17, 2004 | Permalink
had i been smart, i would have taken all the time i’ve been away to have a shitload of cosmetic procedures done. that way, i would have been all healed and snatched by the time i present myself for the new album. the same way that SCAR did before she reemerged with that painful movie called FAITHFUL.
this guy MIKE has the right idea!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 17, 2004 | Permalink
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
the artwork for my new album is by MATHU ANDERSEN, so you can rest assured that it is sickening to the umpteenth degree. tomorrow, all the pieces get sent to the manufacturer and my only regret is that i put too many songs on the record. there are 14 cuts, not including the SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR interludes. call me old fashion, but i like an album that has 10 tracks on it...you know...”just the facts, ma’am”.
today, on my bike ride, i listened to the new LORETTA LYNN album called VAN LEAR ROSE and i was fuckin’ blown away. it is soooo good! i bought the new LIONEL RICHIE album and it, too, is very good.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 11, 2004 | Permalink
Thursday, May 06, 2004
as i sat there and watched KILL BILL VOL. 2, i was completely mesmerized by UMA THURMAN. during the movie, i couldn’t even remember the names of any other movie stars currently working in HOLLYWOOD. she’s absolutely dynamic in both VOL. 1 and VOL. 2. who knew she would evolve into such a good actress?
i’m a sucker for any movie that features bitches who can kick some ass, that’s why THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT has always been a favorite of mine. unfortunately, GENA DAVIS just doesn’t quite work in the lead role as CHARLIE BALTIMORE, and i’ve been recasting that role in my head for the past 8 years. last year, after i saw UMA in the first KILL BILL, i had finally found the actress who was sexy enough and physical enough to be my CHARLIE BALTIMORE.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, May 06, 2004 | Permalink
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
i had the album mastered today, and just a minute ago, i finished listening to the “reference disc” they gave me to take home and ponder overnight. y’all, i fuckin’ love this record (yeah, i called it a record!), it’s the best thing i’ve ever done. you’re gonna friggin’ flip when you hear it.
currently on my playlist:
1. janet...damita jo
2. elvis costello...north
3. alicia keys...the diary of...
tomorrow i’m gonna buy:
1. patti labelle...timeless journey
2. loretta lynn...van lear rose
3. blondie...the curse of...
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, May 05, 2004 | Permalink
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
i have a real passion for roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds from TRADER JOE’S grocery store. today, while i was down there picking up my supply, i spotted the actress who played “charlie” (the murdering, kidnapping lesbian) on the NBC soap PASSIONS. i said “hi charlie”, and she said “wow, i can’t believe you recognized me with my new blond hair”... she was a brunette/redhead on the show.
have you noticed that all of the transformers on THE SWAN look like BRAZILIAN TRANSSEXUALS at their “reveal” ? the producers should hire JAY ALEXANDER from AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL to teach them how to walk in heels, they all walk like LARGE MARGE.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, May 04, 2004 | Permalink
Monday, May 03, 2004
i’m overwhelmed and excited by the early response i’ve gotten from people who want to join the “street team” to promote my new CD. i should come up with a sassy name to call them, other than a “street team”. how ‘bout “the ruvolutionaries” or “ruhythm nation” or “roosters” or maybe just plain “whores” ? i know the first thing i do has to be finding a good spam blocker. just approaching my inbox is such a daunting task. anybody know of a good spam blocker?
Posted by Ru
at Monday, May 03, 2004 | Permalink
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