Monday, May 17, 2004
I have been reading your weblog the past few weeks and must say you seem to be quite self-obsessed. With all the recent activity in Iraq, the Berg beheading, gay marriage in Massachusetts, etc., one might assume you would have something to say on these topics. Instead, the reader is bombarded with your shallow plight to stay youthful; erstwhile nicknaming Cher, Scar. You seem truly to me, a two-dimensional personality.
I do not intend to come across as judgmental or trite; however, I am apalled at your self-obsessed commentary. If you feel the need to fixate on your waning popularity, so be it, but at least attempt not to be so transparent.
Yours, Quinn
have you heard about all the shooting going on in IRAQ?
just this morning, the prison guards developed over 50 rolls of film! UGGGGH !
yours, rooster
Posted by Ru
Monday, May 17, 2004
at Monday, May 17, 2004 | Permalink
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