Tuesday, December 17, 2002
1) living proof....cher
2) fever....kylie
3) more than a woman....toni braxton
4) ask a woman who knows....natalie cole
5) faithfully....faith evans
1) no panties....trina
2) at night....shakedown
3) madame hollywood....felix da housecat
4) die another day....madukey
5) full moon (remixes)....brandy
1) sordid lives
2) monsoon wedding
3) swept away
beth grant....sordid lives
(tie) colby taylor & colton ford
1) judge judy
2) golden girls
3) american idol
david sedaris....naked
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, December 17, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, December 16, 2002
me, TOM and his cousin MARIA drove up to las vegas saturday morning to catch “LADY CHAR-CHAR’s” show at the MGM GRAND. it was the best fuckin’ show i’ve ever seen ! she rocked her tattooed ass off ! i LOVED when she declared in her opening monologue “to all the up and coming bitches...top this” (WORK, MAMA !). CHER needn’t worry about being topped anytime soon. she set the bar so high that i doubt anyone could turn it out with as much super-sonic star power that she exuded saturday night. i was in my own faggot heaven ! ironically, the full house was only about 10% gay. our seats were on the arena floor, and about ten rows back from the stage. her voice was stronger and better than it’s ever been before, and she looked absolutely amazing. i lost count on the number of costume changes she made. another fantastic aspect of the show was that she updated the musical arrangements of all the songs and they actually sounded better than the record. the only disappointment was the exclusion of four songs that i read she had in the show when the tour started 6 months ago. the missing song’s were DIFFERENT KIND OF LOVE SONG, JUST LIKE JESSE JAMES, HEART OF STONE and the classic THE WAY OF LOVE, but we were all very happy that she kept ALL I REALLY WANT TO DO. what a great star. i’ve got to experience this show again. lucky for me, she added three more months to the tour. LONG LIVE CHER !
before the concert, TOM talked me into playing his favorite slot machine called WHEEL OF FORTUNE. i’ve never liked gambling (except with my life), but this game was really fun. i won $30 and stopped because i don’t want to add another addiction to my resume.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 16, 2002 | Permalink
Saturday, December 14, 2002
You already have a wide range of fans, so add this Muslim woman to your rainbow. There's something about your spirit that makes people feel like they already know you. Your links are outrageous, from "Black People Love Us" to the "Michael Jackson Baby Drop". The serious commentary is right on point, too. I can tell you're a compassionate thinker.
By the way, "Charm Braces" is the best, but here's two more:
1. "Farm Braces" Hee-Haw Hip-Hop (a miniature truck grille for teeth; "iced out" of course)
2. "Bar Faces" (a collage of faces getting more and more beautiful as the evening progresses).
Love you, Happy Holidays,
Sister Jana
I believe you are hottest when you dress up. I fantasize having sex with you.
I would do anything to meet you and see your beauty in person.
Still miss your TV show. When you and Dennis Rodman kissed I closed my eyes and wished it was me.
Your Loyal Fan
Ru --
Name the new album Pearl Necklace!!! Mariah will be so jealous!!!
Hope you're having a great holiday season!
All my best, Del
hey ru,
i just want you to know that i have jerked off to pics of you before and i loved it, if you could tell me where i can get some pics of you so i could jerk off some more i would really be happy, and p.s i love it when you turn around and show your butt because it is nice as hell and you be lookin bangin in those tight skirts
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, December 14, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, December 13, 2002
i saw DIE ANOTHER DAY and loved it. i love all BOND films with the exception of that dreadful THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH. MADDY was good, but i was more mesmerized by the PHOTOSHOP they did under her eyes. it’s the same retouching they do on everybody in all the music video’s produced today. i first saw it done in a J-LO video, even though she has perfect skin already.
after the movie, i bought the new DIANA ROSS photo book called GOIN’ BACK. it’s marvelous ! it reminded me of why i am a huge fan in the first place. most people forget that ROSS sang lead on 18 number one hit records (that’s more than any female in history).
and speaking of racking up numbers, for the past two days i’ve been stuck in a “k-hole” of sorts with a link that my friend CARLOS sent me. it’s a game where the objective is to catch as many babies as JACKO can throw off a balcony. so far, my highest score is 22. if LIL’ KIM is “drinkin’ babies”, then i’m catching babies. CLICK HERE and enjoy.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 13, 2002 | Permalink
Thursday, December 12, 2002
Isn't Mariah's new album called "Charmbracelet?" The names you have narrowed your choices down to is very similar to the name of her album...Just wondering if you knew that... Carlos
I vote for CHARM BRACES (you could have an album cover with a dirty south
grill with braces, but each tooth got a lil platinum charm hangin off it,
haha). But really, whats with the theme of braces and charms? Whatever it is
work it, just curious.
Hey RuPaul,
you know, of the three choices, i like "Arm Brace" the
best. you can have the cover look like you got your
ass beat--bruises, broken bones, a bloody lip and a
nice big shiner. maybe even have a tooth blacked out,
too. in the vein of "arm brace", how about "lockjaw"
or "col' cocked"?
You crack my shit up. It kills me every time Mariah says "...And things of that nature" -which is every other sentence! (Bless her heart)
I think "Charm Braces" is the funniest visual... Picture a close up of your face, with a big open smile, your tin grin dripping with assorted charms dangling from each of your toofesses. Very ODB meets Divine! (But far more stunning, ofcourse!)
Thanks for the laughs :)
Have a great holiday!
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, December 12, 2002 | Permalink
i’ve narrowed the title of my new album down to three possible choices. you can help me by voting for the title that you like the best. here are the choices (and things of that nature) :
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, December 12, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, December 09, 2002
i drove out to el segundo today to drop off my industrial size coffee maker at my sister’s house. she’s having a christmas carol party and needed to borrow it. while there, my niece 4 and nephew 6, turned me on to the POWER PUFF GIRLS. i had heard of them, but had never watched an episode before. it was fucking fabulous ! i love the POWER PUFF GIRLS. i know i’m several years behind the craze, but i’ve never been a big cartoons fan (plus i don’t have cable, on account of my tv addiction). i love BUGS BUNNY, THE SIMPSON’S, ROCKY & BULLWINKLE and KING OF THE HILL, but that’s been about the extent of my fascination. now i can add MOJO JOJO to my list of favorite cartoon characters. the kids were very pleased with themselves for turning “UNCLE RU RU” into a fan of THE GIRLS.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 09, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, December 08, 2002
i was presented with a lifetime achievement award at the MOST BEAUTIFUL TRANSSEXUALS IN THE WORLD banquet. when the video montage of my career highlights showed on the big screen, right before i was presented with the award, it had no audio. the sound guy couldn’t find the audio switch to turn it on.
i was very embarrassed.
by noon, i had already bought MARIAH’s new album. i love the songs CLOWN, MY SAVING GRACE, YOURS, I ONLY WANTED, BRINGING ON THE HEARTBREAK and THROUGH THE RAIN. i’m sure i will love all the other songs in time, as well. my only criticism is that i think she uses her breathy head voice too much. that night, me and TOM went over to director DEL SHORES’ birthday party at his house and met the genius that is BETH GRANT. she and i were both in TO WONG FOO, but we had no scenes together.
i watched the WHITNEY interview over at TOM’s house. we also watched a videotape of MARIAH on OPRAH, DATELINE & MTV. in between commercial breaks, the local news showed MICHAEL limping into the courtroom.
your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant taste very different after you visit the kitchen, meet the chef and find out where his hands have been prior to preparing your dish. the same is true when finding out too much about your favorite celebrity. the illusion or fantasy gets destroyed, and fantasies, like food, are a very intimate and personal to the fantasizer. why else would a superstar movie actor go to such lengths to protect his image or illusion from being altered by the implication that he likes to get plowed by another man ? the reason is that in our culture, it’s almost impossible for us to imagine our leading man as a hero if we know (that in real life) he likes to take it up the bum. joe blow and betty beercan don’t have the capacity to suspend their belief system to that degree. the funny thing (or not so funny thing) is that the same star man could cheat on, beat up or murder his wife, and still be idolized by huge factions of the public, as long as he’s not a sissyboy.
the great starmaking machine of hollywood’s golden era took image very seriously because they knew that they were selling illusion, but in the past decade or so, our culture has been witnessing the deconstruction of celebrity at an accelerated level. ANNA NICOLE, WINONA RYDER, MICHAEL JACKSON and even this blog, to a certain degree, are all a part of the phenomenon. it started with MADONNA’s SEX book (major star, finger in pussy) and reached an all-time watermark high with WHITNEY HOUSTON’s tv interview on wednesday. before the interview, the general public could somewhat reason that the rumors surrounding the “princess of pop” were maybe untrue, but after the interview, there was no question that they were true. it made me very afraid when i saw the amount of denial in WHITNEY’s eyes, because i fear making a fool out of myself and not being aware of it. did she really think that we would believe her ? doesn’t she know that we’ve all experienced drug addicted family members lie to our faces ? how could we ever listen to “the greatest love of all” in the same way ? can you still be in awe of a magician’s trick after you find out how the trick is done ? come what may, i’ll be first in line tuesday morning when NIPPY’s new album comes out. MARIAH fared much better with her humble, but rehearsed responses. she really scored major points when her answer to OPRAH’s “what’s next ?” question was “i don’t know, i’m taking it one day at a time.” very smart and very evolved. i wish “LAMBS” would give “CHOPS” the phone number of her therapist.
songwriting session with TOM.
dinner and a movie with with JACK. my favorite song of the week is called “NOTHING” from BRANDY’s FULL MOON album.
i went shopping for used DVD’s. i bought DOLLY PARTON’s latest film called FRANK McLUSKY C.I. and RAQUEL WELCH in FATHOM and DAVID LYNCH’s DUNE. i also couldn’t resist buying a used video of THE BODYGUARD.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, December 08, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, December 02, 2002
thursday, i drove down to san diego at 7:30 in the morning to beat the traffic on interstate 5. it was smooth sailing all the way as i listened to SHANIA’s new album called UP! the album is not as great as her others, but good nonetheless. i had a swell time spending thanksgiving with my sisters and extended family. my niece, MORGAN, turned me on to the online music video service called LAUNCH.YAHOO.COM , where i finally got to see DIRRTY by XTINA. in the shot where she’s ringside at her boxing match, they hand her a water bottle that i’m convinced is filled with pee. the best new video’s are KYLIE’s COME INTO MY WORLD and NO DOUBT’s UNDERNEATH IT ALL.
it goes without saying that i ate far too much, and when i got tired of hearing screaming children and loudmouth coloreds, i retreated to the backyard to smoke cigarette’s and read an unauthorized biography of WHITNEY HOUSTON called GOOD GIRL-BAD GIRL by KEVIN AMMONS. it’s a terrible book that doesn’t tell anything that i didn’t already know. if anything, it just makes the writer look bad for being a ruthless, unscrupulous opportunist. the author had been the boyfriend of WHITNEY’s publicist. he thought that he could land a recording contract by working his way into WHITNEY’s inner circle. the record deal didn’t happen, so he wrote a tell-all book.
i hit the freeway at midnight to avoid traffic and sure enough, it was clear all the way. my sister RENETTA sent me back to los angeles with a carload of leftovers that i shared with my friend JACK the next day. it rained off and on all day friday, so i stayed in my pajamas and watched movies. among the tapes i watched was CITIZEN KANE, which i had never managed to get through before. it didn’t suck.
saturday night, me and my friend MICHAEL went to see Niki Haris perform her cabaret show at a night club in hollywood. she was in top form and fabulous ! she was also 6 months pregnant, which made her song choices even more poignant. after the show, we walked a few blocks to LE DEUX, a popular restaurant and bar, where superstar choreographer JAMIE KING was having his birthday party. every dancer who’s appeared in a music video over the past five years was there. they were all dancing and laughing and looking gorgeous. the dj was pumping new jams and old school. he finally got me on the dancefloor by playing the first remix in history (to my recollection), SHAKE YOUR BODY DOWN TO THE GROUND (HUGO & LUIGI’s EUROPEAN MIX) by THE JACKSONS. the most important star sighting at the party was the dancer in SHOWGIRLS, who throws the beads on the floor to make the black dancer trip and break her leg. i was thrilled, but i didn’t approach her for fear she might have some beads in her pocket. monday morning, i’ll start my diet and quit smoking...again.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 02, 2002 | Permalink
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