Monday, December 09, 2002
i drove out to el segundo today to drop off my industrial size coffee maker at my sister’s house. she’s having a christmas carol party and needed to borrow it. while there, my niece 4 and nephew 6, turned me on to the POWER PUFF GIRLS. i had heard of them, but had never watched an episode before. it was fucking fabulous ! i love the POWER PUFF GIRLS. i know i’m several years behind the craze, but i’ve never been a big cartoons fan (plus i don’t have cable, on account of my tv addiction). i love BUGS BUNNY, THE SIMPSON’S, ROCKY & BULLWINKLE and KING OF THE HILL, but that’s been about the extent of my fascination. now i can add MOJO JOJO to my list of favorite cartoon characters. the kids were very pleased with themselves for turning “UNCLE RU RU” into a fan of THE GIRLS.
Posted by Ru
Monday, December 09, 2002
at Monday, December 09, 2002 | Permalink
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