Thursday, December 12, 2002
Isn't Mariah's new album called "Charmbracelet?" The names you have narrowed your choices down to is very similar to the name of her album...Just wondering if you knew that... Carlos
I vote for CHARM BRACES (you could have an album cover with a dirty south
grill with braces, but each tooth got a lil platinum charm hangin off it,
haha). But really, whats with the theme of braces and charms? Whatever it is
work it, just curious.
Hey RuPaul,
you know, of the three choices, i like "Arm Brace" the
best. you can have the cover look like you got your
ass beat--bruises, broken bones, a bloody lip and a
nice big shiner. maybe even have a tooth blacked out,
too. in the vein of "arm brace", how about "lockjaw"
or "col' cocked"?
You crack my shit up. It kills me every time Mariah says "...And things of that nature" -which is every other sentence! (Bless her heart)
I think "Charm Braces" is the funniest visual... Picture a close up of your face, with a big open smile, your tin grin dripping with assorted charms dangling from each of your toofesses. Very ODB meets Divine! (But far more stunning, ofcourse!)
Thanks for the laughs :)
Have a great holiday!
Posted by Ru
Thursday, December 12, 2002
at Thursday, December 12, 2002 | Permalink
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