Sunday, December 08, 2002
i was presented with a lifetime achievement award at the MOST BEAUTIFUL TRANSSEXUALS IN THE WORLD banquet. when the video montage of my career highlights showed on the big screen, right before i was presented with the award, it had no audio. the sound guy couldn’t find the audio switch to turn it on.
i was very embarrassed.
by noon, i had already bought MARIAH’s new album. i love the songs CLOWN, MY SAVING GRACE, YOURS, I ONLY WANTED, BRINGING ON THE HEARTBREAK and THROUGH THE RAIN. i’m sure i will love all the other songs in time, as well. my only criticism is that i think she uses her breathy head voice too much. that night, me and TOM went over to director DEL SHORES’ birthday party at his house and met the genius that is BETH GRANT. she and i were both in TO WONG FOO, but we had no scenes together.
i watched the WHITNEY interview over at TOM’s house. we also watched a videotape of MARIAH on OPRAH, DATELINE & MTV. in between commercial breaks, the local news showed MICHAEL limping into the courtroom.
your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant taste very different after you visit the kitchen, meet the chef and find out where his hands have been prior to preparing your dish. the same is true when finding out too much about your favorite celebrity. the illusion or fantasy gets destroyed, and fantasies, like food, are a very intimate and personal to the fantasizer. why else would a superstar movie actor go to such lengths to protect his image or illusion from being altered by the implication that he likes to get plowed by another man ? the reason is that in our culture, it’s almost impossible for us to imagine our leading man as a hero if we know (that in real life) he likes to take it up the bum. joe blow and betty beercan don’t have the capacity to suspend their belief system to that degree. the funny thing (or not so funny thing) is that the same star man could cheat on, beat up or murder his wife, and still be idolized by huge factions of the public, as long as he’s not a sissyboy.
the great starmaking machine of hollywood’s golden era took image very seriously because they knew that they were selling illusion, but in the past decade or so, our culture has been witnessing the deconstruction of celebrity at an accelerated level. ANNA NICOLE, WINONA RYDER, MICHAEL JACKSON and even this blog, to a certain degree, are all a part of the phenomenon. it started with MADONNA’s SEX book (major star, finger in pussy) and reached an all-time watermark high with WHITNEY HOUSTON’s tv interview on wednesday. before the interview, the general public could somewhat reason that the rumors surrounding the “princess of pop” were maybe untrue, but after the interview, there was no question that they were true. it made me very afraid when i saw the amount of denial in WHITNEY’s eyes, because i fear making a fool out of myself and not being aware of it. did she really think that we would believe her ? doesn’t she know that we’ve all experienced drug addicted family members lie to our faces ? how could we ever listen to “the greatest love of all” in the same way ? can you still be in awe of a magician’s trick after you find out how the trick is done ? come what may, i’ll be first in line tuesday morning when NIPPY’s new album comes out. MARIAH fared much better with her humble, but rehearsed responses. she really scored major points when her answer to OPRAH’s “what’s next ?” question was “i don’t know, i’m taking it one day at a time.” very smart and very evolved. i wish “LAMBS” would give “CHOPS” the phone number of her therapist.
songwriting session with TOM.
dinner and a movie with with JACK. my favorite song of the week is called “NOTHING” from BRANDY’s FULL MOON album.
i went shopping for used DVD’s. i bought DOLLY PARTON’s latest film called FRANK McLUSKY C.I. and RAQUEL WELCH in FATHOM and DAVID LYNCH’s DUNE. i also couldn’t resist buying a used video of THE BODYGUARD.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, December 08, 2002
at Sunday, December 08, 2002 | Permalink
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