Wednesday, September 18, 2002
in the eastern hemisphere, they cry when a baby is born and celebrate when someone has died. i shall dance and sing and rejoice in the power of love, in honor of my dear friend LAWANDA PAGE.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, September 18, 2002 | Permalink
THE SHIRLEY Q. CONFLAMA (conflict and drama combined)
a group of unsophisticated barbarians with misguided rage are protesting and calling for the boycott of one of my favorite entertainers, SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR. meanwhile, the trigger happy “good ole boy” from texas, poses a much greater threat to mankind...WORLD WAR III.
apparently, this self-righteous lynch mob got wind that the character SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR (a black, southern, welfare mother with 19 kids) is portrayed by a comedian named CHUCK KNIPP, who appears to be white (my own mother appeared to be white, but was indeed black). these fascists believe that MR. KNIPP “not only makes fun of black women, but re-enforces every racist stereotype.” that argument was valid 40 years ago, before there were black media moguls who make fun of black women and reinforce racist stereotypes. i guess the rap & hip hop community is exempt because they appear to be black. CHUCK KNIPP is an easy target, as easy as yelling “fire” in a crowded theater (very little effort, but very effective).
if MR. KNIPP was filled with hatred, my natural gut instinct wouldn’t allow me to enjoy his act. there are a truckload of other performers in the media that i feel are hateful, but even EMINEM says “if you don’t like my music, don’t listen to it.” ok, i won’t...that’s simple enough. when CHUCK KNIPP performs as SHIRLEY Q, it’s very clear to me that he is paying a loving homage to the southern black women that he obviously grew up around.
i feel that people should be able to express themselves however they want to, as long as they don’t physically hurt anybody else. i don’t need a group of angry ignorant separatists to tell me what i should or should not enjoy. i should be allowed to trust my own gut instinct and decide for myself.
i am a black homosexual man and i am no stranger to racism and sexism. i’ve been discriminated against by people of color, gays and even women. in my opinion, some of the biggest offenders of racism and sexism are the same people who have grown up being discriminated against. hate has nothing to do with the color of someone’s skin, it has to do with the level of self-hatred projected from the hater.
if someone were to call me a green martian, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings because i know that i’m not a green martian. the only way it could effect me is if i thought on some level it was true and that deep down i was truly ashamed of being a green martian. i think the members of this witch hunt should search inside of themselves and examine why they are so effected by SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR. that’s the real story here.
i don’t expect to change anyone’s mind with my views. everyone is on their own path of self realization. i wrote this letter selfishly, because i know first hand what it’s like to be misunderstood and persecuted for using all of the colors in the crayon box. during an interview on “the view,” joy behar asked me “why do you dress up in women’s clothing?” she herself was wearing a pair of slacks and a blazer, while sporting a “mullet” hair style. the irony was completely lost on her. some people don’t get it and never will, and that’s fine. it just becomes very dangerous when they demand that i see the world, the same way that they see it.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, September 18, 2002 | Permalink
Monday, September 16, 2002
...that was the theme of the party i threw sunday afternoon. i had a stripper pole installed in the backyard by the pool and i encouraged my guests to participate in one of two shows i had planned. we set up the living room like a sleazy boutique with all of my old wigs and pumps and “ouch-fits” for them to choose from. some of the performers did “pole dances” while others lip-synced songs. i emcee’d the shows and lip-synced TRINA “NO PANTIES” and JODY WATLEY “SOME KIND OF LOVER”. it was all a stoned gas honey, and it was all to commemorate JOELLE having just completed an 8 week course in the art of stripping. i told JOELLE to think of it as a graduation recital, and boy did she ever. she was so so phenomenal def ! far better than i could have ever expected. her number was to MISSY ELLIOT “HOT BOYZ”, and she held her own against pro’s like LOLA and COCO from JUMBO’S CLOWN ROOM, who were both in attendance. i hired GEO for the finale of the second show and he was worth 10 times what i paid him. the sight of him putting his ass cheeks in the face of my straight next door neighbor was priceless. GLANNA grilled chicken on the “barbie” and we had peach cobbler for dessert. a good time was had by all, but none more than me. if this is all that life has to offer...i couldn’t ask for more.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, September 16, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, September 15, 2002
i’ve been in love with life these past seven weeks since my surgery and i feel great ! i just want to go out and dance ! there’s nothing like being in constant pain for several months to make a person (me) appreciate good health when it returns. today, me and my friend saw the 5th installment of the DAVID BOWIE exhibit at the MUSEUM of TELEVISION & RADIO. the series has been so popular here and in new york, that they’re going to repeat the whole thing starting next month.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, September 15, 2002 | Permalink
Thursday, September 12, 2002
Hello RuPaul,
I have always been a great fan of yours and I happened to find this email address on an autograph website and I was wondering if I might request an autographed picture of you...? Do you have any upcoming shows, events, etc?
Thank you for your time,
Kelly Chambers
your kindness means everything to me.
thank you, rupaul.
Hi Rupaul...
I wrote you quite some time ago requesting an autographed photo and was so excited to get your reply that you would be sending one out to me.... but so far, I haven't received it : (
I realize you are busy, and I realize it could have gotten lost in the mail, but I would love you have a picture if you have another chance to send one to me.
Thank you for your time,
Kelly Chambers
Autographed photos are sold through the “Ru-tique” section of RuPaul.com.
Thanks, Debbie
It is really sad that celebrities tend to lose sight of the fact that without the fans, they would be regular people just like the rest of us. I have FREE autographs from much bigger celebrities and all it cost me was a request.
Consider me a former fan.
goodbye and good riddance.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, September 12, 2002 | Permalink
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
i was in bed asleep when the phone rang and the machine picked up. it was my sister rozy leaving a message, wanting to know if i was here in los angeles or away in new york. half awake, i could tell she was upset by the sound in her voice, it was that same sound in her voice that i remembered from when she called to tell me about the northridge earthquake in ‘94. my heart started to pound as i got out of bed to call rozy back, but before i could dial her number, the phone rang again. this time it was my friend molly in atlanta, calling to find out where i was. when she told me what had happened, my eyes began to well up with tears. was i still dreaming ? was this some kind of fucked up nightmare ? just then i heard someone banging on my front door. when i looked out the window and saw the look on pj’s face, i knew this was no dream. we turned on the television just moments after the other airplane hit the second tower. joelle arrived at my house minutes later, and we three new yorkers watched in horror as the real end of the twentieth century came to a crashing halt, live on GOOD MORNING AMERICA.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, September 11, 2002 | Permalink
sunday night i had a surreal experience...i saw a play in los angeles ! can you imagine ? actually, that’s not as weird as i make it sound, there are tons of small productions around town and alot of them really good. the one i saw was excellent ! it’s called SOUTHERN BAPTIST SISSIES and it’s written by DEL SHORES, the same genius who wrote and directed the film SORDID LIVES. i tell you, i laughed tell i cried and cried tell i laughed. the show had everything i love about life : beautiful messes with southern accents, resurrection, redemption, tears and hot as hell nudity ! hallelujah ! if you have the chance to see this play, i’d advise you to run...don’t walk ! it plays through sept. 29th on melrose next door to ANTONIO’S mexican restaurant.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, September 11, 2002 | Permalink
Saturday, September 07, 2002
Dear RuPaul,
I was reading your "weblog" and this caught my attention:
"it occurred to me that i was the only one in my family who is unmarried
(not counting my marriage to satan). "
Are you serious or joking? I had heard once of some ritual like this, some
guy was telling another about the significance of a ring he was wearing, as they were climbing into a cab. I was getting a newspaper and overheard them.
If you are not joking, could you tell me more about this, and how is it done? Is the devil conjured up or is this symbolic like a diabolic version of a nun claiming marriage to Jesus?
M. S. Thomas
You know I used to like you!!! You were very energetic as well as flawless!! What happened to your motto Everybody Say Love?" I am confused! You wrote that hateful excerpt about Whitney Houston. So what if she has a drug problem. You have a mental problem!!! It is nobody's business!!!!!! You have the nerve!! You are a typical DRAG QUEEN!!!!!! At this point I believe you are a fraud!!! Always have been. You fooled the public. Bravo!!! Why don't you clean up the broken glass in your back yard, before you start with others!!! FORWARDED TO ARISTA RECORDS
how are you i think you look gorgious i am 20/m/bi stationed over seas i wish i could have at least one chance to meet you in person i loved the rupaul show when i was younger thats what made me bi actually cause i found out you were a guy well anyways i hope to here from you
love ya, steve
my current lover could pass as your twin and we both think it would be divine (although we realize
this is a fantasy-erotic!) if U starred in a remake of a Rifleman episode( DVD-Vol.3, 2nd episode-"The
Vaqueroes") we always play a scene from that particular show before, during and after sex. chuck connors is
the only man that turns us on and to see him tied up that way.....in fact, we sometimes do a little role-
reversal to spice up our "games" based on that scene.
Dear RuPaul:
I am thrilled with the opportunity to communicate with you. I have admired you for a long time and even more so after I saw your bio on the A&E and found out that my first impression was true and you are one of the good guys.
I am a black heterosexual female Registered Nurse. All my life I have admired drag queens. I feel we women take our sexuality for granted. We don't swish enough. We have learned from experience that behaving in a feminine manner invites criticism. "Oh she thinks she's so cute." So we walk around like men. Well, dammit, I'm not going to do that anymore. I am woman and I am going to swish. It took me a long time to figure this out. I'm 63. But I am going to swish anyway.
When I saw you on the View and Joy Behar was all "I'm going to take advice from a drag queen???" My answer was HELL YES. And Joy Behar needs it more than most. She is very masculoid.
Any way, I just want you to know that you are my inspiration. Please give me diva lessons any time the spirit moves you.
I would love to hear from you. I have some theories on sexuality and would appreciate your opinions regarding them.
Peace, Love, Joy, Money and all good things to you.
hey Ru-paul......
I was wondering....Do you like cheese...I mean do you REALLY LIKE CHEESE?
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, September 07, 2002 | Permalink
Friday, September 06, 2002
my friend carlos is in town to cover the AMERICAN IDOL finale for his radio station, miami’s POWER 96 . so this afternoon, during the hour i watch JUDGE JUDY, my cell phone rings and it’s carlos saying that he’s standing next to justin guarini and would i like to speak to him. well fuck me raw ! damn straight i’d like to speak to him ! justin gets on the phone and was as sweet as tic tac pie. we talked about all the hysteria surrounding the contest and stuff like that, but what i really wanted to talk about was where we could meet up later. i should’ve asked him, since he and kelly were the last contestants left in that hollywood hills house this past week, if he ever got the chance to “hit it”, you know...part her “spam castanets” ? i should have at least asked him one question about his hair, like ... does the carpet match the curtains ? but i didn't, i was too starstruck.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, September 06, 2002 | Permalink
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Recently Whitney Houston made a request at an Atlanta hotel @ 5am for a large box of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda (baking soda can be used to "free base" cocaine) which led to scandalous rumors about her accelerated drug use when in fact:
*She was in the middle of baking oatmeal cookies
*scouring her tub
*finding relief from heartburn
*freshening her cat box
*boosting her laundry detergent
*about to have a bath
*whitening her teeth
*neutralizing the Ph balance in the hotel pool
*freshening the in room refrigerator
*providing a quick and easy clean up for a hallway water spill
to insinuate anything else is just ludicrous............. Tennessee.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, September 03, 2002 | Permalink
Sunday, September 01, 2002
today, i saw the film MONSOON WEDDING for the second time. it is by far my favorite film of the year. currently, my favorite record of the moment is NO PANTIES by a rapper called TRINA.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, September 01, 2002 | Permalink
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