Wednesday, September 18, 2002
THE SHIRLEY Q. CONFLAMA (conflict and drama combined)
a group of unsophisticated barbarians with misguided rage are protesting and calling for the boycott of one of my favorite entertainers, SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR. meanwhile, the trigger happy “good ole boy” from texas, poses a much greater threat to mankind...WORLD WAR III.
apparently, this self-righteous lynch mob got wind that the character SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR (a black, southern, welfare mother with 19 kids) is portrayed by a comedian named CHUCK KNIPP, who appears to be white (my own mother appeared to be white, but was indeed black). these fascists believe that MR. KNIPP “not only makes fun of black women, but re-enforces every racist stereotype.” that argument was valid 40 years ago, before there were black media moguls who make fun of black women and reinforce racist stereotypes. i guess the rap & hip hop community is exempt because they appear to be black. CHUCK KNIPP is an easy target, as easy as yelling “fire” in a crowded theater (very little effort, but very effective).
if MR. KNIPP was filled with hatred, my natural gut instinct wouldn’t allow me to enjoy his act. there are a truckload of other performers in the media that i feel are hateful, but even EMINEM says “if you don’t like my music, don’t listen to it.” ok, i won’t...that’s simple enough. when CHUCK KNIPP performs as SHIRLEY Q, it’s very clear to me that he is paying a loving homage to the southern black women that he obviously grew up around.
i feel that people should be able to express themselves however they want to, as long as they don’t physically hurt anybody else. i don’t need a group of angry ignorant separatists to tell me what i should or should not enjoy. i should be allowed to trust my own gut instinct and decide for myself.
i am a black homosexual man and i am no stranger to racism and sexism. i’ve been discriminated against by people of color, gays and even women. in my opinion, some of the biggest offenders of racism and sexism are the same people who have grown up being discriminated against. hate has nothing to do with the color of someone’s skin, it has to do with the level of self-hatred projected from the hater.
if someone were to call me a green martian, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings because i know that i’m not a green martian. the only way it could effect me is if i thought on some level it was true and that deep down i was truly ashamed of being a green martian. i think the members of this witch hunt should search inside of themselves and examine why they are so effected by SHIRLEY Q. LIQUOR. that’s the real story here.
i don’t expect to change anyone’s mind with my views. everyone is on their own path of self realization. i wrote this letter selfishly, because i know first hand what it’s like to be misunderstood and persecuted for using all of the colors in the crayon box. during an interview on “the view,” joy behar asked me “why do you dress up in women’s clothing?” she herself was wearing a pair of slacks and a blazer, while sporting a “mullet” hair style. the irony was completely lost on her. some people don’t get it and never will, and that’s fine. it just becomes very dangerous when they demand that i see the world, the same way that they see it.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
at Wednesday, September 18, 2002 | Permalink
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