Wednesday, September 11, 2002
sunday night i had a surreal experience...i saw a play in los angeles ! can you imagine ? actually, that’s not as weird as i make it sound, there are tons of small productions around town and alot of them really good. the one i saw was excellent ! it’s called SOUTHERN BAPTIST SISSIES and it’s written by DEL SHORES, the same genius who wrote and directed the film SORDID LIVES. i tell you, i laughed tell i cried and cried tell i laughed. the show had everything i love about life : beautiful messes with southern accents, resurrection, redemption, tears and hot as hell nudity ! hallelujah ! if you have the chance to see this play, i’d advise you to run...don’t walk ! it plays through sept. 29th on melrose next door to ANTONIO’S mexican restaurant.
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
at Wednesday, September 11, 2002 | Permalink
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