Wednesday, June 28, 2006
the only (and i do mean only) interesting thing about the movie "50 first dates" is the concept of someone needing to be reminded of "who they really are" on a daily basis.
well, kiddo, in the spirit of full disclosure, i must confess that i forget "who i really am" on a daily basis, sometimes on an hourly basis.
sometimes i get knocked off my spiritual perch by a hailed cab that doesn't stop for me, or a customer service representative who doesn't respond to my dynamic and sensational sense of humor, or sometimes it's just that i haven't had enough water.
for whatever reason i might think of myself as less than God's gift to this earth, i must remain diligent in my assertion that i am perfect just as i am.
meditation always gets me back on track, and it also helps to keep the company of people who can remind me on a daily basis... people who can also count on me to do the same for them.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 28, 2006 | Permalink
my old iBOOK is still working after 5 long, faithfully dependable years. my new MacBook is so fast and powerful that it makes my head spin. i'm still trying to get used to how sensitive the cursor pad is. is there a way to make it not so sensitive?
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 28, 2006 | Permalink
Monday, June 26, 2006
everybody yearns to make a mark so that we can have tangible proof that we actually existed. that is why there is so much graffiti.
but when we leave this realm, the only tangible proof that remains is the love we gave and the love we allowed ourselves to receive.
by all means, reach for the stars, but keep your heart focused on the person in front of you.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 26, 2006 | Permalink
Medium Rare San Francisco, CA
Record Runner NYC
Amoeba Music Hollywood, CA
Amoeba Music San Francisco, CA
Angelo's CD's & Tapes Aurora, CO
Balloons on Broadway Portland, OR
Bebop Records Ridgeland, MS
Borderline Music Chicago, IL
Borders Books And Music, Ann Arbor, MI
Bull Moose Music Portland, ME
Chester County Book Co. West Chester, PA
Compact Disc Store Baton Rouge, LA
Dearborn Music Dearborn, MI
Dimple Records Sacramento, CA
Ear X-Tacy Louisville, KY
Earshot Music Greenville, SC
Everyday Music Portland, OR
Finder's Records and Tapes Bowling Green, OH
Hear Music Seattle, WA
Homer's Records Omaha, NE
Independent Records Colorado Springs, CO
J & R Music World NYC
Jack's Music Shoppe Red Bank, NJ
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 26, 2006 | Permalink
Thursday, June 22, 2006
picked up the new DANNII MINOGUE cd/dvd entitled "hits & beyond". it's fantastic, and really fun watching DANNII morph into the stunner she is today. her music video for the song "this is it" features her then husband JULIAN McMAHON before he hit paydirt on "nip/tuck".
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, June 22, 2006 | Permalink
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
yes, my new site is up and running, but we are still ironing out a few kinks. same with my OFFICIAL MYSPACE page. still learning my way around the sucker. CLICK HERE to check it out.
PATRICK BENOIT did the "free to be" remix on the album, and he has a lovely REWORKED presentation on his site. check it out HERE.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 21, 2006 | Permalink
i saw "a prairie home companion" tonight. i thought it was wonderful, but it's not for everyone, especially if you're not keen on ROBERT ALTMAN. i cried TEXAS TEARS during two of MERYL STREEP'S songs, and laughed uncontrollably during her bit with LILY TOMLIN. as expected, i couldn't resist the charms of KEVIN KLINE, and it occurred to me tonight that VIRGINIA MADSEN bears a striking resemblance to a 1930's era JOAN CRAWFORD.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 21, 2006 | Permalink
Friday, June 16, 2006
Posted by Ru
at Friday, June 16, 2006 | Permalink
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds". ~Albert Einstein
Posted by Ru
at Friday, June 16, 2006 | Permalink
me and my friend TOM have been going ape shit over MONK-E-MAIL. CLICK HERE to share the insanity.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, June 16, 2006 | Permalink
March and Rally Against Anti-LGTB Hate in New York City
When: Saturday, June 17
Where: Gather at NE Corner of 14th Street and First Avenue at 2PM March at 3PM to Christopher Park (Christopher & West 4th Streets)
Posted by Ru
at Friday, June 16, 2006 | Permalink
a big part of jewish culture is to pass their history on through stories to the children, who pass it on to their children, and so on and so forth. therefore preserving the culture and traditions, as not to fall victims of the past.
when i was 21, i was blessed enough to be mentored by a gay man named DICK RICHARDS, who was the patriarch of a large network of free-thinkers that had all met while working on McGOVERN'S 1972 presidential campaign in ATLANTA.
i learned more than i can ever begin to tell you from DICK, but more importantly, he nurtured my imagination and made me feel i was part of a huge family that loved and understood me. when i moved to NYC, DICK'S childhood friend, NELSON SULLIVAN, became my guardian and teacher.
NELSON taught me the history of being gay, as it related to film, literature, politics, music, art and NEW YORK CITY. it was understood that i would in turn pass this knowledge on to the next generation of young gays that i encountered, who pass it on to their children, and so on and so forth.
i have indeed done that on a personal and public level, but the new kids clearly need more mentoring, otherwise we wouldn't see so many gay kids with such a cavalier attitude toward the erosion of long fought for rights that so many men and women died for. young gay people today should be turning this fucking country upside down!
maybe this is the result of so many would be mentors being wiped out by the plague, or maybe it's just downright complacency. i don't know. i just feel that we are being clobbered by trying to play it straight___by playing by the rules. fuck the rules___act the fuck up!
we need some radical sissy anarchist who don't give a fuck about getting married or having babies, but sure as fuck demand the right to!
we need a gay political force that is bigger and stronger, but the polar opposite of the religious right-wing!
punk rock, baby! rollin' wit da homos!
otherwise, how will we avoid repeating history? and who will be left to tell our history, us or them?
Posted by Ru
at Friday, June 16, 2006 | Permalink
Thursday, June 15, 2006
men who possess any form of feminine behavior are demonized by our culture. not only by straight people, but by gay people as well. believe it or not, even i've had to call myself out on certain judgments i've had surrounding effeminate men. of course, i picked up those deep rooted directives from an over abundant number of sources.
i'll never forget the time my mother called me "a punk", which back then meant "screaming little nelly queen". i was about 7 years old. devastated, i remember thinking "damn, i'm not even safe from scrutiny in my own home, with my own mother"!
THE WHITE HOUSE, religion, DISNEY movies, sitcoms... the negative reinforcements are everywhere and they prevail, but why? what is the underlying threat of a man who is both masculine and feminine?
the threat is wholeness ...or holiness.
i believe by fully recognizing the yin and the yang of another person, one would also by default have to recognize and accept the duality and complexity of one's self, therefore setting into motion a spiritual journey that would leave conventional religion in the dust...a spiritual journey that most dare not take... the spiritual journey that begins with the words:
who am i?
go ahead, i dare you to say it.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, June 15, 2006 | Permalink
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 13, 2006 | Permalink
...and you don't need a degree in psychology to figure that one out. i agree with my friend MIKE, who so simply points out, "...it reveals to the victim a dark, dark part of human behavior that you can never forget. The bashers are always self-hating closeted homosexuals whose revulsion gets misdirected towards others."
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 13, 2006 | Permalink
Monday, June 12, 2006
A letter to my community of friends and family, While I have always in the past tried to keep my emails light and happy with all of my career successes, for the first time I am compelled to say something that I feel very strongly about, something that is quite serious, regarding the terrible, disgusting, despicable and infuriating thing that happened to my very dear friend and beloved artist to the worldwide gay community Kevin Aviance. Perhaps I need to write this for myself for my own therapy, but this time, I don’t care. Most of you have probably already heard that Kevin was the victim of a hate crime. He was verbally and physically assaulted by 5 guys and is now recovering in the hospital from a fractured jaw and a busted knee. His face is swollen and he has bruises on his forehead. His jaw must be sewn shut for at least 2 weeks in order to heal. Coincidentally or not, this has happened to Kevin during gay pride season...a time when us gay performers make a huge portion of our yearly income. I don’t need to go into more details regarding the assault and beating as it has already made the cover of the Post, the Daily News and received coverage in the New York Times and all national news programs including CBS, NBC, and FOX. NYC Mayer Bloomberg has called the crime “unacceptable.” Kevin is strong and he is thankfully doing well. His spirit is as strong as ever. I have personally received an outpouring of mail from people who have expressed their concern. But I do need to take this opportunity to step on the proverbial soap box and say that in case anyone was wondering why we have to be “out” artists or “gay artists” and why we have to make our sexuality an issue and in case anyone has questioned why we are fighting for the right to be married—THIS is why. NOT because so many of us hold marriage as something that we want so badly (although many of us are in real positions of needing those rights when it comes to our real lives with our partners)...but because we need to teach our children and society at large that EVERYONE deserves EQUAL treatment and that EVERYONE deserves to have the same CHOICES as everyone else. If we DON’T have the same CHOICES and if we DON’T have the same rights, we are continuing to spread a message that some people are not as valuable as others and therefore we can beat them and throw them to the curb as was done to Kevin. Incidentally, the 5 people that perpetrated this crime were from the ages of 16 to 20. If we let our President make an amendment for THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY that TAKES AWAY peoples rights as apposed to giving people their rights, then we are saying that what happened to Kevin is OK. And it’s not OK.
Kevin you are a hero. You have been a personal hero to me since I first came out and started to go out to gay clubs. Having grown up in Yeshiva, Gay clubs were the first spaces I knew of where I felt like it was OK to be who I am. And there you always were, Kevin—showing us that we can be whoever we want to be and that despite our differences, we are still a community. Without you in the club world, without your art, without your music, without your performances, I don’t know if I would have ever felt like we really are one community. You have continued the legacy that the drag queens started during the Stonewall Rebellion—being the first ones on the front lines fighting for our civil and human rights. You have been a cherished and loved best friend to me for over 10 years and you were also one of my very first supporters and continue to be a great supporter of artists like myself who are not afraid to be who they are in a world that is clearly still run by hate. I know I speak for many when I say that we are grateful that you have been there for us and grateful that you are here still and that your sprit remains “So Alive” after something that might have taken down a weaker person. Thank you for not being afraid to speak out against the crime done to you even when they physically tried to steal your powerful voice away. Thank you once again for being proud of who you are no matter what the circumstance. We all wish you a very speedy recovery and we can’t wait to see you again and the joy that you bring to our lives. You are the rhythm and soul of this community. We love you, Kevin.
Sincerely, ARI GOLD
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 12, 2006 | Permalink
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
my XMAS shopping is done, now that i've discovered the VULGAR PEN. last week at the studio, URI (the engineer) showed me his and i was completely captivated and slightly appalled . this genius ink pen shaped like a human finger spewed out verbal obscenities when pulled. fucking brilliant! i've ordered 20 to give as gifts, but something tells me i'll have to order another 20 by the time the holidays roll around. click here to check it out.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, June 07, 2006 | Permalink
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
TRIPLE A+ (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
i went looking for nude pictures of that irresistible sex machine from LOST & OZ, whose name i can't pronounce, and this is what i came up with (no pun).
click here, then scroll down
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 06, 2006 | Permalink
my current favorite song of the moment is "Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi" by KYLIE. i was prompted to revisit the song after i saw her perform it in "showgirl", her latest live concert DVD. by years end, we'll see if the song makes my IPOD'S top ten most played list.
so far, this year's list of songs i've played way too much is:
1. Makin' It Last All Night (What It Do)....Mariah Carey 2. Look On The Floor (Hypnotic Tango)...Bananarama 3. Suddenly It's Yesterday.......................Freda Payne 4. You Got The Love / Now Voyager Mix...Candi Staton 5. Power Of Love (Hani's Extended Mix)...Donna Summer 6. One (Featuring U2)..............................Mary J. Blige 7. Shoot The Moon..................................Patti Austin 8. 2 Become 1..........................................Spice Girls 9. I Want To Go Back There Again..........Thelma Houston 10. If Ever You're In My Arms Again..........Peabo Bryson 11. Take Me To Your Heart......................Rick Astley
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 06, 2006 | Permalink
i had never watched a full episode of SEINFELD until 4 months ago. now, i watch it non-stop in syndication. that fella who plays KRAMER makes my heart beat really fast. i saw him in the grocery store once, and in my opinion, he is one sexy devil.
if religious people accept gay marriage, they would also have to re-examine and restructure their whole belief system... and who wants to do that?
very few people possess the chutzpah it takes to search for the real truth, because that journey would call on you to recognize "who you really are", and that responsibility is much too much for most. most people want to be told what to think. just ask yourself, "are my actions motivated by love or fear?".
remember: love accepts, fear condemns.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, June 06, 2006 | Permalink
Monday, June 05, 2006
THE WHOLE WORLD i watch the film LOVELY & AMAZING the other night and i must say it was both. the movie is from 2001 and i'm surprised the whole world didn't stop back then and say "hey everybody, we got a really good one on our hands. go and see this movie!" but the whole world didn't say that.
hmmm, i'm trying to think of something the whole world unites in love for.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 05, 2006 | Permalink
one of the really great things about KANSAS CITY is the abundance of empty warehouse spaces and vacant old buildings. the downtown area reminds me of MIDTOWN ATLANTA twenty-five years ago, before everybody and they mama converged on it.
when i visit cities that have clearly had a much grander past, i often fantasize about moving to them and starting up an underground art community. AKRON, CLEVELAND and JOHNSON CITY, TENNESSEE are three that come to mind.
could i live in KANSAS CITY? i think so. it all depends on how sweet the christians and the police are. they were very sweet in ATLANTA, all those years ago, which made it easy for me and my friends to do all of the experimental stuff we got away with.
how does the RUPAUL COLLEGE OF DRAG sound? how about MISS PAUL'S INSTITUTE OF VIBEOLOGY? they both may be coming soon to a city near you!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, June 05, 2006 | Permalink
Thursday, June 01, 2006
the new remixes of SUPERMODEL have been sent out to DJ's, and one of my favorite of the bunch is also used for a video megamix done by WORLD OF WONDER. to check it out CLICK HERE.
be a part of the RUPAUL. REWORKED street team by adding the video to your MYSPACE page. hell, add THIS ONE TOO while you're at it.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, June 01, 2006 | Permalink
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