Thursday, June 15, 2006
men who possess any form of feminine behavior are demonized by our culture. not only by straight people, but by gay people as well. believe it or not, even i've had to call myself out on certain judgments i've had surrounding effeminate men. of course, i picked up those deep rooted directives from an over abundant number of sources.
i'll never forget the time my mother called me "a punk", which back then meant "screaming little nelly queen". i was about 7 years old. devastated, i remember thinking "damn, i'm not even safe from scrutiny in my own home, with my own mother"!
THE WHITE HOUSE, religion, DISNEY movies, sitcoms... the negative reinforcements are everywhere and they prevail, but why? what is the underlying threat of a man who is both masculine and feminine?
the threat is wholeness ...or holiness.
i believe by fully recognizing the yin and the yang of another person, one would also by default have to recognize and accept the duality and complexity of one's self, therefore setting into motion a spiritual journey that would leave conventional religion in the dust...a spiritual journey that most dare not take... the spiritual journey that begins with the words:
who am i?
go ahead, i dare you to say it.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, June 15, 2006
at Thursday, June 15, 2006 | Permalink
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