Saturday, December 31, 2005
i often describe my relationship with ATLANTA as akin to having a very close childhood friend who grew up and had an extremely extensive plastic surgery makeover. i know it's her, but she's barely recognizable.
i moved here in 1976, and i'm so grateful to be ringing in 2006 in the city that nurtured me and allowed me to explore my imagination.
at this moment, i'm looking at the construction site for a new skyscraper. funny thing is, i witnessed the construction of another skyscraper on the very same site many years ago, of course, the old building is merely a memory.
i know what you're thinking, "Ru, bro, you're fucking old, get used to it!". well, yes, that is true, but you also have to admit that the makeover ATLANTA has endured is very unique when you compare it to other major American cities. it's absolutely mind blowing!
i promised myself i wouldn't mention how different the city is during my show tonight at WETBAR, or that i was once a local legend in these here parts. why not? because the kids who come to the show tonight don't give a rat's ass that my very first PAID performance took place 2 blocks from WETBAR at a nightclub called THE BISTRO (now a parking garage), or that MIDTOWN ATLANTA used to facilitate this outrageous bohemian scene that included whores, hustlers, performance artists, activists, gay, straight, black, white, punk, drags and me.
the kids tonight want the "post-atlanta rupaul experience", but what they don't know is everything i've ever done has it's origins within a square mile of the very spot i'll be performing on tonight. the buildings may be gone with the wind, but i carry the spirit of the long ago ATLANTA with me wherever i go.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, December 31, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, December 30, 2005
it was around this time last year, that i caught eyes with a Black Queen in "full beat" as she walked down the stairs into the subway system and i was walking up the stairs into Harlem. we didn't speak to each other, but when our eyes met, they said the very same thing. our eyes said "you better work, bitch!".
i thought of her tonight as i left the 10PM showing of "brokeback mountain". i thought of the courage it took for her to live her life "irregardless" of the danger she faced on a daily basis. i also thought of a little boy from San Diego who was determined to live free and use all the colors in the crayon box. i'm proud of that San Diego kid, and i draw strength from that Black Queen in Harlem.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 30, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, December 26, 2005
i didn't get depressed this holiday season, although i'm not out of the woods just yet. i've learned to stay busy, exercise, get sleep and eat healthy to avoid the winter time blues. my heart goes out to my babies who didn't avoid the "dark night of the soul" this season. just remember that IT WILL eventually pass. think of it as catching a cold. don't beat yourself up for it. it's just something that happens to the human body. remember, we are spiritual beings, having a human experience...temporarily.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 26, 2005 | Permalink
Thursday, December 22, 2005
i just finished shooting "fight scenes" for 2 days in a row, and my body feels like i fell out of a moving vehicle. i have muscles aching in places i didn't even know existed. eight hours of doing high kicks, running, falling to the ground, throwing punches and firing a gun is not so easy when you're wearing 5 inch pumps and a corset that cuts off the circulation down your left leg... but hey, it sure looks good!
the most important thing is that the "fight scenes" are done, and that the 2 days of filming we have left on "the untitled rupaul movie project" will be done indoors, not outside during the first 2 days of winter in NEW YORK CITY.
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, December 22, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, December 11, 2005
this is a clip from TRADING SPOUSES. it's the most amazing thing you will ever see! CLICK HERE
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, December 11, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, December 09, 2005
my body has just recovered from last week's grueling shooting schedule. i literally have scars in places that i can't even discuss in this forum. CANDIS CAYNE is so great to work with! she's really a kind soul. we could barely keep a straight face during a scene where her character pulls a gun on my character and pokes my titty with the barrel of the pistol. we must have done 25 takes of that scene before we got it without cracking up. CANDIS and i still have our big knock down, drag'em out fight scene to shoot, which is the finale of the movie.
all and all, filming is about 70% complete. i still have a scene with THE "LADY" BUNNY to shoot, the epilogue with GUS MATTOX, and the main title sequence, in which i am filmed while driving a "muscle car" around MANHATTAN... by the way, if anybody has a good looking 1968 - 1976 "muscle car" in a bright primary color, and wouldn't mind it being used in a trashy, low-budget transploitation film, please email us at this address: rupaulmovie@gmail.com
my music video compilation would make a perfect stocking stuffer! it's available in the "shop" section of my website.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 09, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, December 05, 2005
MICHAEL LUCAS plays a russian mobster who gets assassinated by the characters played by me and LaHOMA in THE UNTITLED RUPAUL MOVIE PROJECT. his character asks us to "blow his big, juicy, uncut russian cock", but rather than fulfill his request, we just blow him away. take after take, MICHAEL would pull out his always ready - always hard, ass-opener with the precision of an army trained sharpshooter. it was fascinating to watch that legendary magic stick at work, the same magic stick that built an empire... amazing!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, December 05, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, December 04, 2005
i just can't wait ('til christmas) words and music by rupaul charles & chris willis
fireplace is all a glow on the door hangs the mistletoe the wind is blowing december snow guess who's coming all the way from the north pole
i just can't wait 'til christmas i just can't wait 'til christmas day i just can't wait 'til christmas cause christmas day, everyone is gay
wish we could feel it everyday have the holiday spirit always happy people everywhere singing merry christmas and a happy new year
i just can't wait 'til christmas i just can't wait 'til christmas day i just can't wait 'til christmas cause christmas day, everyone is gay
everyone, everybody, everyone, everybody, cause christmas day, everyone is gay
CLICK HERE to download this song!
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, December 04, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, December 02, 2005
last night was the opening night of THE COLOR PURPLE on BROADWAY. not only was the show amazing, but we all got the sense that we were watching history being made. the night was also one of the most star-studded events i've ever been to. i sat next to KATEY SEGAL, who cried through most of the show, and one seat over from her was JERRY SEINFELD. behind us sat OPRAH, TINA TURNER, SIDNEY POITIER and QUINCY JONES. in front of me was "ghostbusters" director IVAN REITMAN. at intermission, NAOMI CAMPBELL said to me "you look good as a man", and to that i said "and you look good as a woman".
here is a very short list of who was also there: iman, david bowie, jamie foxx, chris rock, cicely tyson, andre leon talley, angela bassett, diane sawyer, mike nichols, anita baker, stevie wonder, spike lee, bruce willis, alice walker, paul reubens, l.a. reid, clive davis, gloria steinem, donald trump, elaine strich, issac hayes.
i want everybody to download my new christmas song by clicking here!
Posted by Ru
at Friday, December 02, 2005 | Permalink
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