Friday, December 09, 2005
my body has just recovered from last week's grueling shooting schedule. i literally have scars in places that i can't even discuss in this forum. CANDIS CAYNE is so great to work with! she's really a kind soul. we could barely keep a straight face during a scene where her character pulls a gun on my character and pokes my titty with the barrel of the pistol. we must have done 25 takes of that scene before we got it without cracking up. CANDIS and i still have our big knock down, drag'em out fight scene to shoot, which is the finale of the movie.
all and all, filming is about 70% complete. i still have a scene with THE "LADY" BUNNY to shoot, the epilogue with GUS MATTOX, and the main title sequence, in which i am filmed while driving a "muscle car" around MANHATTAN... by the way, if anybody has a good looking 1968 - 1976 "muscle car" in a bright primary color, and wouldn't mind it being used in a trashy, low-budget transploitation film, please email us at this address: rupaulmovie@gmail.com
my music video compilation would make a perfect stocking stuffer! it's available in the "shop" section of my website.
Posted by Ru
Friday, December 09, 2005
at Friday, December 09, 2005 | Permalink
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