Saturday, December 31, 2005
i often describe my relationship with ATLANTA as akin to having a very close childhood friend who grew up and had an extremely extensive plastic surgery makeover. i know it's her, but she's barely recognizable.
i moved here in 1976, and i'm so grateful to be ringing in 2006 in the city that nurtured me and allowed me to explore my imagination.
at this moment, i'm looking at the construction site for a new skyscraper. funny thing is, i witnessed the construction of another skyscraper on the very same site many years ago, of course, the old building is merely a memory.
i know what you're thinking, "Ru, bro, you're fucking old, get used to it!". well, yes, that is true, but you also have to admit that the makeover ATLANTA has endured is very unique when you compare it to other major American cities. it's absolutely mind blowing!
i promised myself i wouldn't mention how different the city is during my show tonight at WETBAR, or that i was once a local legend in these here parts. why not? because the kids who come to the show tonight don't give a rat's ass that my very first PAID performance took place 2 blocks from WETBAR at a nightclub called THE BISTRO (now a parking garage), or that MIDTOWN ATLANTA used to facilitate this outrageous bohemian scene that included whores, hustlers, performance artists, activists, gay, straight, black, white, punk, drags and me.
the kids tonight want the "post-atlanta rupaul experience", but what they don't know is everything i've ever done has it's origins within a square mile of the very spot i'll be performing on tonight. the buildings may be gone with the wind, but i carry the spirit of the long ago ATLANTA with me wherever i go.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, December 31, 2005
at Saturday, December 31, 2005 | Permalink
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