Sunday, April 24, 2005
i was living in a hotel for the past week, and i didn't have my computer with me. subsequently, i didn't blog or answer emails.
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, April 24, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, April 18, 2005
that's the title of OWEN HAWK'S latest starring vehicle, and i'm happy to report he's nasty as ever in this one. what a powerhouse! he wrote and co-produced this fuck-fest, which is a perfect example of the darker, more gritty, MANHATTAN made XXX films. bravo, you sexy devil! work your fuckin' legacy!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, April 18, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
i bought the JAPANESE edition (with two extra songs) last week, but i wanted MARIAH to benefit from the SOUNDSCAN reading on the first day of the U.S. release, so i picked up another EMANCIPATION/MIMI today. the album is truly amazing. it gets even better with time.
i also picked up the TONI BRAXTON REMIX ALBUM. the collection is very "slapped together". there should be more remixes of different songs on it. instead, we get the usual suspects.
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, April 13, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
thanks to all the kids at the UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE for such a wonderful time. y'all made me feel really good... especially you, AARON. i was just "twistin' your tits" about being so quiet. you're a real pro!
JAKE, MELISSA, KATIE... you're all tops in my book!
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, April 12, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, April 09, 2005
today, i will travel to THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE for a LGBT conference. i will give a lecture on gender. it'll sound a little something like this... "students, put down your number 2 pencils and pick up your eye brow pencils".
thanks darrell.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, April 09, 2005 | Permalink
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
i saw THE UPSIDE OF ANGER sunday night. it was really good. it was also the first time i've ever liked KEVIN COSNER... actually, i fell in love with him. he's really sexy in it... a real hot daddy. JOAN ALLEN will get the OSCAR for her part. i wish the movie theater was equipped with earphone jacks, so i could cancel out the noise that the guy in the corner was making with his sinuses.
i went to LaHOMA'S apartment tonight to catch the season finale of THE FAYE DUNAWAY SHOW. it was excellent! my STARLET won!
afterward, i popped in to TOWER RECORDS to pick up the new FAITH EVANS cd, and who did i run into on line waiting for the cashier? ARI GOLD! 10 million people in this city, and i run into my buddy, ARI GOLD! he was buying FAITH EVANS, no less. he also bought the new BRANDY GREATEST HITS, which i didn't get because i have all of those songs already (but so does ARI).
here's a list of the 4 cd's i bought tonight:
1. THE FIRST LADY ................................. FAITH EVANS 2. HUMAN AFTER ALL ............................. DAFT PUNK 3. THE WONDER OF IT ALL (remixes) ... KRISTINE W. 4. IT'S LIKE THAT (remixes)..................... MARIAH CAREY
Posted by Ru
at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | Permalink
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
the confab was a complete success, aside from the fact that JAMES couldn't make it on account of his grandfather dying. i was like "get your priorities together, mister! your grandfather is dead, and there's nothing you can do about that, but MIMI the cat is alive!"
in my opening remarks, i said that we are all here because we love MARIAH CAREY, and having said that, you are all free to speak openly and candidly because this is a safe space. we will not hold it against you if you say something we don't agree with. you can make jokes, rant or rave. gentlemen start your engines!
ARI GOLD was our keynote speaker with an address entitled "i am me(me)". he talked about how our pop stars are extensions of ourselves, and we should give them plenty of room to make mistakes, experiment and grow, thus allowing ourselves the same leeway.
as a case in point, he noted his obsession with the CHARMBRACLET album and how he kept listening to it over and over, hoping it would somehow turn into the album he wanted her to make at that time. he said he never fully accepted the album on it's own terms, which he now says was his mistake. by accepting CHARMBRACLET for what it is, he is in fact accepting himself, on a core level, for who he is. bravo, lambs!
then, we ate cheeseburgers while watching MARIAH: AROUND THE WORLD. since it was a special occasion, i even ate the bread on my burger and had a few fries!
next up was the round table reading of MARIAH'S cover story in AMERICA magazine. me, ARI, TIM and LaHOMA each read a few paragraphs before passing the magazine to the next person. it was so much fun because we all knew how fucking sick and twisted the whole decadent evening was. 4 grown men having a MARIAH CAREY CONFERENCE... fucking outrageous!
the last event was a round of the game LIST, in which each player gets to choose a category involving a facet of MARIAH'S career. i choose MARIAH collaborations: in 2 minutes each player writes down 5 people who have musically collaborated with MIMI. if another player writes down the same name as you, neither gets that point, so you have to be clever. we set the timer and i wrote 1. CAROLE KING 2. DRU HILL 3. BONE THUGS 4. MASE 5. LUTHER VANDROSS i scored 3 points because LaHOMA had LUTHER and ARI had CAROLE KING.
at one point, we needed some accurate information about an MC DVD, so ARI went online to MARIAHDAILY.COM, the best MARIAH resource on the internet. we all busted up laughing when ARI pointed out that MARIAHDAILY.COM had copied an entry from my blog announcing our conference! it was so surreal. here we were at the conference as we're reading about us on another site. very mindblowing!
the verdict: we love THE EMANCIPATION OF MIMI! buy it on april 12. WE BELONG TOGETHER is currently my #1 favorite song.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, April 05, 2005 | Permalink
Monday, April 04, 2005
my friend BRIAN put together an iMOVIE using my new doll and my new single, WORKOUT. every time i watch it, i feel as though i've taken several hits of acid. CLICK HERE to watch it.
Posted by Ru
at Monday, April 04, 2005 | Permalink
Sunday, April 03, 2005
ever wonder about the perks that come with being a celebrity? well, CLICK HERE and experience one with me.
thanks hickory. .
Posted by Ru
at Sunday, April 03, 2005 | Permalink
Saturday, April 02, 2005
from the moment he walked through the door, i fell in love with him. his energy was clear and present, as if he had his own personal narrative that he allowed everyone to participate in. after 10 minutes of his arrival, my eyes welled up with tears because i became frightened by the amount of love i felt for him, and it was at that very moment that i knew i could give my life to save his if i had to.
JUDE is 21 months old and pure love personified. he's smart as a whip and hungry for knowledge. he pointed at the bouquet on the table and accurately declared "tulips!". then, as if by magic, the tulips seemed to come alive! they've never looked more beautiful to me.
i was visiting the home of his 2 fathers, when his 2 mothers brought him over. my motto has always been, i love children, but i love peace and quiet alot more. could it be that i've changed my mind? after today, i've never wanted a baby more.
i heard MARIAH'S new album today and it is fan-fucking-tastic! i love it. she's singing in her full voice again and i couldn't be happier. for the past week, the first single IT'S LIKE THAT has been number one on me charts in me own head, but after today WE BELONG TOGETHER might just replace it. the album is solid. i'll be buying several copies on april 12.
Posted by Ru
at Saturday, April 02, 2005 | Permalink
Friday, April 01, 2005
Farewell, my Pope
By Linda Simpson
No hope For the Pope A downward slope At the end of his rope Silent is the stethoscope Oh, the scope, the scope! How will we cope? The faithful will mope And mope and mope Me, I’ll skip rope Read my horoscope Watch my soap Eat some cantaloupe And daydream of the day I elope But I won’t mope for the Pope Nope, nope, nope I’m gay and I’m proud And he was a dope
Posted by Ru
at Friday, April 01, 2005 | Permalink
i was in drag all day shooting an editorial story for an AUSTRALIAN magazine and simultaneously shooting a music video for my new single, WORKOUT. let me tell you something, you haven't lived until you've had your dick tied to the back of your ass for 12 hours.
monday night, in celebration of the release of THE EMANCIPATION OF MIMI, i'm having the first annual MARIAH CAREY CONFERENCE at my apartment. basically, it'll be me, ARI GOLD, LaHOMA, TIM and JAMES, sitting around listening to MARIAH'S massive catalog and talking about what we think she should be doing with her career ("...and things of that nature"). i can't wait, lambs. i wish MICHELLE VISAGE could join us, but it'll be too late in the evening for her.
Posted by Ru
at Friday, April 01, 2005 | Permalink
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