Wednesday, April 06, 2005
i saw THE UPSIDE OF ANGER sunday night. it was really good. it was also the first time i've ever liked KEVIN COSNER... actually, i fell in love with him. he's really sexy in it... a real hot daddy. JOAN ALLEN will get the OSCAR for her part. i wish the movie theater was equipped with earphone jacks, so i could cancel out the noise that the guy in the corner was making with his sinuses.
i went to LaHOMA'S apartment tonight to catch the season finale of THE FAYE DUNAWAY SHOW. it was excellent! my STARLET won!
afterward, i popped in to TOWER RECORDS to pick up the new FAITH EVANS cd, and who did i run into on line waiting for the cashier? ARI GOLD! 10 million people in this city, and i run into my buddy, ARI GOLD! he was buying FAITH EVANS, no less. he also bought the new BRANDY GREATEST HITS, which i didn't get because i have all of those songs already (but so does ARI).
here's a list of the 4 cd's i bought tonight:
1. THE FIRST LADY ................................. FAITH EVANS 2. HUMAN AFTER ALL ............................. DAFT PUNK 3. THE WONDER OF IT ALL (remixes) ... KRISTINE W. 4. IT'S LIKE THAT (remixes)..................... MARIAH CAREY
Posted by Ru
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
at Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | Permalink
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