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Friday, February 28, 2003


tonight, i broke several of my personal rules and i’m happy that i did. my friend ARI called and asked me to accompany him and his friend STEVE to dinner and a movie, which i did with much hesitation. you see, being the “control monster” that i am, i don’t like being “the third wheel” especially when i’ve never met one of the people involved. the other questionable part of the equation was that they wanted to go to a sushi restaurant (i’m not a sushi fan) and then go to a movie that i’d never heard of. add to that the fact that my seat selection at the show could quite possibly be overruled by a two to one vote (i like to sit in the very last row). well, dinner turned out to be wonderful. i had buckwheat noodles in some kind of broth, shrimp and vegetable tempura, and california rolls. STEVE was funny, intelligent and great company. the movie was showing at THE SUNSET 5, which gave me the opportunity to pick up the new c.d. of duets by KENNY LATIMORE & CHANTE MOORE at the VIRGIN MEGA-STORE in the adjacent complex (i’m a huge fan of CHANTE MOORE). so far so good. seat selection in the theatre was a breeze (we were three of ten people in the house). i waved my back row policy and we sat in the middle of the room. the most fabulous aspect of the evening unfolded when THIS INCREDIBLE FILM illuminated onto the screen before me. i love it when i know nothing about a picture and it then proceeds to knock my socks off. i saw the film two and a half hours ago and it’s still resonating throughout my being. i was so moved by this beautiful gem of a movie ! the only recognizable actor in the film was THIS GENIUS , who should've been nominated for an oscar this year for her work in the brilliant FAR FROM HEAVEN. thank God i’m still pliable enough to break some personal rules.

interesting sidenote: the VIRGIN MEGA-STORE sits on the same site that used to host SCHWAB'S DRUG STORE. the place where LANA TURNER was discovered while sitting at the soda fountain in a knit sweater (as hollywood folklore would have it).



Wednesday, February 26, 2003


...we salute you ! first, it was TENNESSEE who told me all about him, and then i read something about him in JONNO's blog . i called JONNO to find out more and he suggested some titles that i should check out (which i did) and he sent me THIS LINK . now, i understand what the fuss is all about. God bless the child who finds his forte in life. with a cock the size of a toddlers arm, and the look of unshakable determination in his eyes to pounce pussy, THIS GUY was born to fuck on camera.



Saturday, February 22, 2003


tonight, me and TOM had an evening of pure indulgence. i felt it was time to take our friendship to another level by showing him a collection of video clips that i’ve compiled over the years and called simply LaTOYA JACKSON : UN(BUTT)PLUGGED. included is footage from her PLAYBOY video, her workout video, appearances on GERALDO, the JANE WHITNEY SHOW and her ground breaking nightclub act filmed live at BALLY’S CASINO in reno, nevada. we were in LADY TOY TOY heaven ! after a brief brainstorming session on what LaTOYA’s comeback vehicle should be (we both agreed on “don’t get it twisted productions presents TOYS IN THE ATTIC : the LaToya Jackson story”, starring LaToya Jackson), we capped the night off with a viewing of LaTOYA JACKSON : THE E! TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY. again, we were compelled by her . proof positive that LaTOYA is by far the most intriguing JACKSON of them all. long live LE TOY !



Wednesday, February 19, 2003


monday afternoon, i had some serious dental surgery performed on the lower left quadrant of my mouth, and it fucking hurt like hell. the good news is that i get to take a shitload of VICODIN for the pain. the saga continues next week when my lower right quadrant also gets pumped full of synthetic bone. i don’t want anyone to worry about me. i want everyone to rest easy knowing that at least one of my holes is getting probed and plugged.



Monday, February 17, 2003


by the time we got to columbus at 10:pm on saturday night, the city had been blanketed by 4 inches of fresh snow. i had planned on popping over to THE FULL MONTY, an all male strip joint over on north high street, but i was too zonked from traveling all day and more than a little deterred by the weather conditions. the last time i was in columbus, i was fortunate enough to witness the splendor of the man-pussy pageantry that embodies THE FULL MONTY. i’ll never forget this one dancer who was making his debut as an ass-clapper that night at the club. he was everything i had hoped to see that magical evening in “the buckeye state”. he was a little overweight, had absolutely no rhythm, and had the cutest smile on his face that sent me directly to XANADU (a place where nobody dared to go). he had that kind of raw innocence that most dancers eventually lose and then replace with faraway eyes that seem to be making out a grocery store list for when their shift is over for the night. needless to say, i gave nature boy all of my money. had i not been chaperoned, i would have asked him to join me back at my ho’-tel.

sadly, there was to be no chubby chasing on this less than 24 hour visit to columbus, a city i have grown to love. i was there to speak at a collegiate gay and lesbian conference held on the campus of OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. in front of an audience of about a thousand beautiful kids, i blabbed/expanded on my observations from inside the trojan horse (as i am prone to call my career in drag). i talked about sex and sexuality, masculinity and femininity, love and fear, and shaving vs. waxing. i had a great time, and at times i shocked myself with what came out of my mouth. secretly, my ulterior motive is to create an army of young freethinkers to take over the world and “terrorize ya’ll’s neighborhoods”, cause this is THRILLER ‘03, baby! after questions from the audience, an impromptu autograph session and three more inches of fresh snow, we were off to the airport to return to sunny southern california. the only thing that could have made the sojourn any better was a big fat slice of cheesecake from THE FULL MONTY.



Saturday, February 15, 2003


at midnight on friday, i went to see THIS FILM at the NuART THEATRE in west l.a., and upon arrival i was surprised to see that the line to get in was wrapped around the block. i couldn’t believe so many people had even heard of this 23 year old clunker. i had only just vaguely remembered it from when it came out, was universally panned, and then just as quickly disappeared from the face of the earth. the evening turned out to be quite an event. several members of the audience came dressed up as characters from the movie and recited exact dialogue from this oh so rare epic, it was a scream. everybody adored the film, including me. the film was deliciously bad from start to finish. cinema doesn’t get any better than a disco/rock musical made in 1980. if you get a chance to see it, run...don’t walk !


Tuesday, February 11, 2003


saturday night, i had about 26 people over for mexican food, KRISPY KREME doughnuts, and several spirited rounds of the game CHARADES. it was a blast ! playing CHARADES is the quickest way to get to know someone.



Saturday, February 08, 2003


i never understood the purpose of the space program. why spend billions of dollars on NASA, when we don’t have a national health care program ?


following the 3 hour prime time block that ABC devoted to MISS JACKSON (if you’re nasty), the lead story on the local KABC news broadcast was also about THE KING OF POP. the second story was about PHIL SPECTOR, and the third story had something to do with a little thing called WORLD WAR III. BUSH deserves an award for managing to divert our attention long enough to slide that big shaft up our collective bums without us even noticing.



Friday, February 07, 2003


if put under the microscope of a british documentary, there are a ton of things that the “normal” american family does on an everyday basis that would seem strange or cruel to viewers. that doesn’t make what MICHAEL is doing right or wrong, it just means that we are all odd to somebody. i’ve never met anyone who i didn’t think was a weirdo, but that doesn’t make them bad (shum’ on, you know it!)...it just makes them human.

BLANKET’s daddy won my heart when he showed so much vulnerability by recalling the horror of abuse by his own father. unfortunately, MJJ lost creditability by lying about the full service he’s had performed on his mug, and as JUDGE JUDY says “if you lie about one thing, i can’t believe anything else you say”.

VERDICT: he’s a freak, but i love him. i love freaks!



Tuesday, February 04, 2003


my dear friend P.J. JONES is directing a short film that he wrote called EAVESDROPPER. to help finance the project, he has asked his friends to donate a piece of their own artwork to be raffled off. i painted a self-portrait that can be viewed by CLICKING HERE. keep in mind that my painting will be worth billions one day.



Monday, February 03, 2003


some of the benefits of being “overly sensitive” are a strong intuition, the ability to love deeply and a heightened sense of joy. unfortunately, the down side of this gift is the complete opposite. i haven’t wanted to blog about anything recently because i feel too cynical about the world right now. actually, the cynic in me is always present, but the optimist in me usually balances it out. here lately, i haven’t witnessed much in the world to be optimistic about. i think the world sucks right now, and i’m too frustrated to keep trying to change it.

everywhere i turn, it looks like the town of BEDFORD FALLS in the movie IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, after the angel shows GEORGE BAILEY what the town would be like had he not been born (desperate, hopeless and sad). even that wouldn’t be so bad if there were fun, funky counter-culture happenings popping up around the globe. the bohemian counter-culture that i was shaped by seems to be all but dead. in the meantime, i’ll keep praying for some idealistic kids to come along and shake things up a bit...no, make that a whole lot.



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