Saturday, February 22, 2003
tonight, me and TOM had an evening of pure indulgence. i felt it was time to take our friendship to another level by showing him a collection of video clips that i’ve compiled over the years and called simply LaTOYA JACKSON : UN(BUTT)PLUGGED. included is footage from her PLAYBOY video, her workout video, appearances on GERALDO, the JANE WHITNEY SHOW and her ground breaking nightclub act filmed live at BALLY’S CASINO in reno, nevada. we were in LADY TOY TOY heaven ! after a brief brainstorming session on what LaTOYA’s comeback vehicle should be (we both agreed on “don’t get it twisted productions presents TOYS IN THE ATTIC : the LaToya Jackson story”, starring LaToya Jackson), we capped the night off with a viewing of LaTOYA JACKSON : THE E! TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY. again, we were compelled by her . proof positive that LaTOYA is by far the most intriguing JACKSON of them all. long live LE TOY !
Posted by Ru
Saturday, February 22, 2003
at Saturday, February 22, 2003 | Permalink
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