Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I spent the night of RDR's Grand Finale at Giorgio Moroder's 70th B'day party at Spago. I've known him since '94 when he produced a duet with Elton John and I.
The party was amazing! People flew in from around the world to be there. All the members of his legendary hit making music machine where there: Pete Belotte, Harold Faltermeyer, Keith Forsey and of course Donna Summer.
At one point during the testimonials, Donna nudged me to get up and say something, but I felt too shy to follow such heavy hitters as Jerry Bruckheimer and Wolfgang Puck, who revealed that Giorgio was responsible for giving the restaurant it's famous name.
After dinner, Randy Barbato, myself and E.G. Daily got the party going by being the first ones on the dance floor. Chris Cox spun the classic Moroder hits that shaped and influenced music as we know it today. Also in attendance: Jody den Broeder, Susan Munao, Joe Esposito, Terry Nunn, Bruce Roberts and Thomas Gottschalk.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
at Tuesday, April 27, 2010 | Permalink
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