Saturday, December 26, 2009

In the weeks leading up to Cher's dinner party on Christmas Day, I barely told anyone that I'd been invited for fear talking about it might jinx it. Well, last night I went and I can't tell you how friggin' nervous and utterly excited I was! Of course, I hid my nervousness, but my excitement couldn't be contained. Her house is a palace overlooking the Pacific Ocean with all the splendor you'd expect from the woman called Cher. Moroccan opulence meets The Hearst Castle is the storyline, but it still manages to feel comfortable.
When Cher descended the staircase, she was illuminated by an aura of undeniable star power. Seeing her life force on stage or screen seems natural, but to experience it in a room with everyday people is startling profound. It becomes very clear what a 28 year old Sonny first saw in a 16 year old Cher - she is breathtakingly magnetic. I was gobsmacked. This was my favorite Christmas ever. The 30 guests included Eva Mendes, Martyn Lawrence Bullard, Elijah Blue, Rob Camilletti, Loree Rodkin and Kathy Griffin.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, December 26, 2009
at Saturday, December 26, 2009 | Permalink
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