Saturday, July 18, 2009

the following is from dontstopthemusik
some of you may not know that the rupaul, the legend herself is a regular reader of the blog. i know! i have to pinch myself whenever i think it about it ! lol anywho, i shared a story with about the video supermodel. and so because y'all are like my online familia, i am gonna share the story with y'all. here goes...one day in 1993, i was watching video vibrations on bet - which as some of my grown and sexy readers may know, was the only place to see cool dance music videos. anywho, while watching it - our house was raided by the police. my mother was an "accountant" for a neighborhood "pharmaceutical" company.. so the we're getting raided by "poe-poe" and the cops have me, my mother and my brothers face down on the floor and the only thing my mother and i could talk about while the cops are turning our beds upside down was the video that was playing. the video that was playing was supermodel. my mother said "mira! that blonde is tall as hell" and i said "yeah, and she is playing basketball in heals!". the cops then stopped and i lie to y'all not - started watching the video. while many may view and/or experience getting raided by cops traumatizing, it is one fo my fondest child hood memories. i remember feeling good that the world of music was catching up to our fabulocity!. so here's to memories, here's to feeling liberated and here's to the 90s!
Posted by Ru
Saturday, July 18, 2009
at Saturday, July 18, 2009 | Permalink
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