Tuesday, March 03, 2009

In theatre, there's a term called "breaking the 4th wall". It's when an actor drops character and addresses the audience. The other actors on stage hate it because it immediately breaks the illusion that what's happening on stage is really real.
The animosity that drag queens experience by society at large is due to the same scenario. People get angry when the role they're playing is revealed to be nothing more than an illusion. When the hoax is revealed, their ego instructs them to retaliate and discredit the rogue player who broke the 4th wall.
If you are confused by this analogy, then you are completely normal. Your confusion is the result of attempting to override the system.
Your ego is the largest part of a system that convinces you the illusion is real. It was designed to not disengage. It was constructed to not self analyze, the same way you cannot point at the finger you are pointing with. It will fight tooth and nail to not be destroyed.
Drag makes fun of the ego. The ego does not like that.
There is a "safe word" that will disengage your ego momentarily. It's actually three little words that will override the system without fail. After you say these three words, you will experience the vastness of the universe, therefore answering the question...
who am I?
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
at Tuesday, March 03, 2009 | Permalink
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