Friday, November 07, 2008

wednesday night, after an industry event at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Randy tried to drive me home via Santa Monica Blvd, but couldn't because the "No on 8, No on Hate" protesters were marching into Beverly Hills, bound for the Mormon Temple.
on this particular stretch of the boulevard, the street lights are so scarce, you could barely make out their faces, but you could tell they were very young, amp'd up and ready for battle. it was beautiful! they looked like The Gay Children of the Corn.
one good thing to come out of all this is how it has galvanized the younger generation of Gays in a way i haven't seen in a very long time. that's why i feel this Proposition will be overturned... aside from it being fucked up and wrong.
Posted by Ru
Friday, November 07, 2008
at Friday, November 07, 2008 | Permalink
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