Last night I saw a local theatre company (big) perform "The Wiz". Mainly high school kids with some adults as leads at an outdoor theatre in Louisville. Very well done. I'd never seen the play. Filled with very nostalgic New York 1970s references. The play, unlike the film, makes clear that the Emerald City and the city doorman are based on Studio 54. Lots of period jokes about therapists, "valium", and lots of sex references, all edited out of the movie. So 70s---"I found out where my head is", "liberated woman power", "jive turkey", etc. The play suggested that in the 70s New Yorkers main worries were getting into 54 and getting a good therapist and valium----a simpler time.
The Cowardly Lion was played by an approx. 17-18 y.o. black high school guy (theatre student, planning stage career). Ru, he basically played the Lion as "Rupaul the Cowardly Lion." It was hilarious. He had a huge blond dreadlock lion mane wig, was about 6'2", and I swear he based the whole interpretation on "Supermodel does The Wiz." I re-viewed youtube videos of the movie "Wiz" lion's performance to check my theory, and this guy's Lion was nothing like the movie Lion. He played him as a "Supermodel" who was secretly scared of everything, he would strut around but then of course have hissy fits when confronted. He stole the entire show. Could do pratfalls, dance, sing, etc.
I quite believe that your visibility has allowed modern kids to do things like this performance. I doubt that this kid, in 1975-80 or whatever, could have done this "gay" Lion character as a high school actor, he would have had no reference point OR the director would have censored it. I know you know this, but your act and your visibility continues to benefit MANY, many people.
Mike M.
Posted by Ru
Monday, August 04, 2008
at Monday, August 04, 2008 |Permalink