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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Diana: Hollywood Bowl

Tom Campbell and i are both huge Diana Ross fans, so the biggest thrill of seeing her concert last night at the Hollywood Bowl was seeing her with another superfan. we key-keyed and sang along with every song, much to the dismay of the people around us, i'm sure.

having both racked up millions of Miss Ross frequent flyer miles, anyone privy to our running commentary would have been gobsmacked. from the next costume change to the song arrangements to even her vocal riffs, we knew every move.

well, almost every move. something we hadn't anticipated was her lipsyncing 2 songs from her last album. ALL the contemporary acts use lipsyncing in their shows, it's just odd seeing a true singer do it. in her defense, there was a bit of laryngitis going on in her voice that seemed to dissipate the more she warmed up.

she sang most of the big hits. the most glaring omissions being Endless Love & Chain Reaction. by the time she got to the Lady Day section, she really soared.

all and all, she was magnificent (or should i say magnifical?). Diana is still a gorgeous legendary megastar. she has nothing to prove. she performs because she wants to. the fact that she is still doing it is proof enough.


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