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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rudd Rocks

on the flight from LA to NYC, i watched Amy Heckerling's "i could never be your woman" starring Michelle Pfeiffer & Paul Rudd. effen hilarious. i laughed out loud several times. the chemistry between the two brilliant leads is undeniable. definitely one of the best films i've seen all year. unfortunately, the 2007 film was never released in US theaters. it friggin' wrecks my head when something sooo good doesn't get rewarded.


Monday, July 28, 2008

i love SF

i spent the weekend in San Francisco. Peaches Christ invited me up there to screen Starrbooty as part of her long running "Midnight Mass" film series. we did an "Actors Studio" type Q & A before the screening, and after Starrbooty they showed Zombie Prom, that fabulous short i shot 4 years ago. Vince Marcello, the director of Zombie Prom also flew in for the screening. i had fun. the audience was great.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Diana: Hollywood Bowl

Tom Campbell and i are both huge Diana Ross fans, so the biggest thrill of seeing her concert last night at the Hollywood Bowl was seeing her with another superfan. we key-keyed and sang along with every song, much to the dismay of the people around us, i'm sure.

having both racked up millions of Miss Ross frequent flyer miles, anyone privy to our running commentary would have been gobsmacked. from the next costume change to the song arrangements to even her vocal riffs, we knew every move.

well, almost every move. something we hadn't anticipated was her lipsyncing 2 songs from her last album. ALL the contemporary acts use lipsyncing in their shows, it's just odd seeing a true singer do it. in her defense, there was a bit of laryngitis going on in her voice that seemed to dissipate the more she warmed up.

she sang most of the big hits. the most glaring omissions being Endless Love & Chain Reaction. by the time she got to the Lady Day section, she really soared.

all and all, she was magnificent (or should i say magnifical?). Diana is still a gorgeous legendary megastar. she has nothing to prove. she performs because she wants to. the fact that she is still doing it is proof enough.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008


this was posted on The WOW Report. i totally cried when i watched it.

i ran into Estelle Getty at a wig shop on Hollywood Blvd. in 2002. i told her it was a pleasure to finally meet her. she reminded me that we had actually met before. she was right. since then, i've questioned which of us had Alzheimer's.


summer lovin'

Hey Rupaul, In case you missed the review of Wendy Williams' new talk show in the New York Times where Alessandra Stanley, the author, makes a wonderful comment referencing Wendy's resemblance, not to Donna Summer, but more to you. It's quite funny. Hope you're enjoying the summer, John
‘The Wendy Williams Show’ - Review - NYTimes.com


Monday, July 21, 2008

Ross: Central Park 25th anniversary

i remember watching it at the apartment of some guy i barely knew, because i didn't own a TV at the time. i get chills and my eyes well up with tears when she comes busting out of her dressing room on that second day... what a fucking STAR! why isn't this shit on DVD? why aren't all of her TV specials on DVD? SMH! (shaking my head).


Sunday, July 20, 2008

pop, lock & drop it

More Videos at ChruDat.com


Friday, July 18, 2008

sweet summer night

believe it or not, tonight will be my first time at The Hollywood Bowl. i used to curse it on account of the traffic jams it caused when i lived nearby. well, tonight i get to see what all the hubbub is about. the show? An Evening With Julie Andrews.

this classic album was recorded at The Hollywood Bowl 30 years ago.


Thursday, July 17, 2008


World Of Wonder hooked me up with music wunderkind Lucian Piane, who had been Marc Shaiman's protege, to write the theme to RuPaul's Drag Race. it turned out wonderfully! we're continuing to collaborate on material that will hopefully turn up on my next album.


Monday, July 14, 2008

a few things...

we've seen all the Drag Race casting tapes and have narrowed it down to 15 contestants. lemme tell you something, this show is gonna be off the mothereffen' chain! these bitches are friggin' bring-ing-it.

went to see A Very Brady Musical saturday night. it was cute. Randy had the tickets. afterward, we went to 'disco night' at Oil Can Harry's on Ventura Blvd.

Spencer Schilly is in town for Outfest (he was the editor on Starrbooty). sunday, i drove him up to Malibu on the Pacific Coast Hiway. we blasted The B-52's on my boom heavy sound system the whole time. when we got to Cher's beachfront compound, we turned around and came back to Hollywood.

later on sunday, i went to Tori Spelling's house warming party. her friend Suzanne remembered me from when i was the go-go dancer at Weekends in Atlanta ('85-'87). we also both "attended" Northside High School, but she was several years behind me.

Rusty and i decided the theater would be empty enough to go see "Sex And The City" sunday night (i hate being in a crowded movie theater. people talk too much). i loved it. i love SJP. her intelligence is so friggin' sexy. plus, she's got that smokin' hawt lil' body. i really dug how they deconstructed the whole fairytale wedding hoax bullshit.

Lindsey Lohan's next album should be called "Lindsey Lohan: Behold". get it? Low & Behold. and, of course, it should be all polka music.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Officer Stacy Sheridan

Randy invited me to the outdoor reception of Outfest last night, where i got to meet Calpernia Adams! she was lovely, as were all the other attendees underneath the stars of downtown LA. i always love going downtown after night falls. it's really scary, spooky and deserted post rush hour, but very familiar on account of all the "T.J. Hooker" episodes that used it as a backdrop. i totally dig biking down there on hot summer nights.


Sunday, July 06, 2008

over a million served

clearly, i am the last "lil bitch" on earth to get on the Lil J. tip. i hate it when i'm late discovering a YouTube superstar. thanks michael.


lazy LA afternoon

Taz has this billion dollar house in The Hills with a really sick Infinity pool overlooking all of LA. we laid out in the hot sun listening to Bob Marley saturday afternoon. we were gonna have a Burt Reynolds film festival, but changed plans so i could go buy these (on sale) boots that had been haunting me since the day before. i didn't want someone else to snatch them up.

later, while on my bike waiting for the light to change, i saw the great Johnny Mathis in the left turn lane. he nodded at me and i blew him a kiss.


#35. dizzy, weak... you're almost there!

my favorite of the "57 reasons" from this fabulous pro-ana website.


Friday, July 04, 2008

state of independunce

Funniest shit in the world!!


the plot thickens

Hi Ru,
Have you seen this? A friend who knows I love all things Starrbooty sent this link to me.
A Starrbooty meets Conspiracy Theory video mashup. Wierd, but wild.


this is my MF crew


bear essential

Jacob sent me the link to the John Matuszak nude spread i wanted so desperately. totally awesome. thanks J.


go west

went country line dancing with Gisele, Beth, Anna & Buck. i finally did the 'barn dance', the one they do to the song "Wild, Wild West", and where they switch partners every 15 seconds. OMG, too friggin fun! i had always been too scared to do it for fear i'd screw up the synchronicity of the entire room. how silly is that?

of course, we ended up meeting Jeff Key at Jumbo's later. we "made it rain" and left after 45 minutes. damn, it's good to be back in LA.


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

bear hug

i'd forgotten how much i used to lust over John Matuszak until [in Ottawa] i found a DVD of his 1989 star vehicle "One Man Force". the movie also stars the superfoxy Sam Jones (Flash Gordon) and Stacey Q. (Two Of Hearts). what more could you ask for?

the movie is totally rotten.com, but in a fabulously good way. i could watch it over and over again... and i will. now, if i could only find online photos of Matuszak's Playgirl layout. i already have the Sam Jones Playgirl spread.


i am sam

before my flight to LA, i had a few hours to hit my favorite cd store in Toronto called Sam The Record Man. when i got to the Yonge street location, i saw that Sam's had been yet another casualty of the great record store shut-down of the 21st century.

i almost started to cry, but then i remembered how many happy hours i've logged scouring the bins of that store and how many great finds i acquired there. more than sadness, i was filled with a sense of pride that i had experienced one of the greatest record stores in North America. goodbye old friend... you will be missed.



we were fascinated by the 8 miles of in-door skywalks downtown Minneapolis has to protect people from the bitter winters. after walking blocks and blocks, it felt like a gigantic habatrail built under the sea.


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