Saturday, April 05, 2008

Caroline Grant sent me a fan letter from Scotland in 1994 when she was just 13. we've kept in touch all these years and today at soundcheck we got to meet in person for the very first time. she came with her two friends, Pauline & Abby, who are also coming to the show at G.A.Y. tonight. something shifted in my heart when i saw Caroline today. i feel an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude that has healed every negative feeling i've had about myself...ever. what a gift. thank you, Caroline.

Stuart Cameron was visiting The States when he saw me perform at Long Beach Pride in '05. he sent me a note shortly thereafter showcasing his wicked English sense of humor and we've continued to correspond ever since. yesterday, we met in person for the first time and had a grand time giggling and shopping at Harvey Nichols. i had a blast. top value, that kid is. thank you, Stuart.

i was in Piccadilly Circus today at Zavvi (formally Virgin MegaStore) standing in the Soul section when a man tapped me on the shoulder. he squinted his eyes and said "are you...?" i looked at him and said "why do you look so familiar to me?" i soon realized Mohieb Dahabieh is the London stylist i've corresponded with for several years now. well, of course, out of the 8 million people in London, he and i would bump into one another. we spent the afternoon together and i now have a new friend for life. i am in The Zone. thank you, Mohieb.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, April 05, 2008
at Saturday, April 05, 2008 | Permalink
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