Mike Ruiz took me to the Dita Von Teese party tonight at an old synagogue on the Lower Eastside, the same old synagogue that hosted the Jade Jagger party last week, where i ran into Tom Silverman of Tommy Boy Records.
i haven't done the New York social scene in years, so it was wild running into people i haven't seen in a very long time. tonight i bumped into Suzanne Bartsch, Raja, Zaldy, Paul Alexander, JoJo America, Russell Simmons and Jimmy James. i even did the red carpet, which always scares the Dickens out of me. i get nervous and start to sweat.
to justify my clothes shopping, i've vowed to wear at least three different outfits per day... tonight, i squeezed in a fourth. we go to Paris tomorrow afternoon, and given the dollar is worth 45ยข over there, my mantra is "i will not shop - i will not shop".
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 |Permalink