Sunday, March 16, 2008

we rushed home last night to see MC on SNL. before i comment on the show, let me repeat this old adage about the record business: if a singer gets a #1 song, they're very lucky. two #1 songs, they're very talented. three #1 songs, they're a fucking musical genius. on the eve of Mariah's eighteenth #1 single, it's been an honor and a pleasure to have witnessed her phenomenal rise. the woman knows her shit.
"Touch My Body" is as well crafted a pop song as it gets. the topical, catchy, sexy without being vulgar lyrics, the irresistible melody and her deliberately measured vocal performance easily makes it one of the best pop songs of the year. i can't wait to buy the new album E=MC2.
having said that, watching Mariah perform always makes me feel anxious and nervous. i can feel her nevousness. she's never comfortable in her own body. aren't there pills and cocktails one can take for that? just kidding, lambs. shake & bake!
the second song "Migrate" will probably grow on me, but i sure couldn't hear "hit single" last night. and when will having "the rapper of the week" on a record be done with... it's so played out and annoying. last week it was T.I, this week it's T-Pain, hopefully next week it will be T-Bag... now that would be fun... and things of that nature.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, March 16, 2008
at Sunday, March 16, 2008 | Permalink
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