Sunday, March 23, 2008

Randy picked me up at 8pm for Perez Hilton's b'day party at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. we were the first to arrive and the first to leave. for 45 minutes, it was just Randy and me on the dancefloor tearing it up to Prince, Lisa Lisa and Cameo. friggin' awesome! we were both soaking wet by the time we tipped outta there.
by 9:30, we were at Dave Mace's 40th b'day party hanging with Howard Bragman & Bruno Tonioli.
10:30 saw us at Bobby Trendy's studio for the Escort Awards after-party. we got to meet 2008's Escort of the Year "London Boy Pete", Host Jonny McGovern and the lovely, prolific and still sexy porn superstar Max Grand. i was at home in my pajamas by 11:30.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, March 23, 2008
at Sunday, March 23, 2008 | Permalink
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