Monday, February 18, 2008

Sami's memorial was billed as a celebration, which led me to believe that someone who really knew Sami had taken control of the event to make sure it was fabulous & joyous. my assumption was wrong. it was a by the book, doom and gloom, praise Jesus funeral. they even had an open casket, something i thought i had avoided by skipping the "viewing" on friday.
i didn't want to remember my friend like that, in a Brooks Brothers suit that when alive he wouldn't be caught dead in. when i saw him laying there i started to cry, but i pulled myself together, determined to remain joyous. my composure became unhinged again when Freda Payne sang "My Buddy" acapella. that song has always fucked me up.
don't get me wrong, i have nothing against grieving. i just prefer to do it in private. i've cried a thousand tears, all week long. i'm even crying as i write this.
Sami was a fun person. he loved laughing, music, beauty, cooking, smoking weed, friends and entertaining. it felt disrespectful to minimize his beautiful legacy in such an unfashionable, morbid, antiquated ceremony.
a real Sami celebration coming soon.
Posted by Ru
Monday, February 18, 2008
at Monday, February 18, 2008 | Permalink
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