Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hi Rupaul! First off, let me say that I have been a huge fan since the outset of your first commercially released single. From that point on, anything that had your name on it was purchased for my ever growing collection of musical archives. Including the Rupaul complilation among others. The only thing I still have to save up for are the RuPaul doll's, but other than that, my collection should be rather complete. Recently I purchased Starr Booty, the film, and quite frankly, I am still sitting here with my jaw somewhat agape. I am glad that I bought it to watch before getting a copy to my nieces and nephews who love your music as well. My siblings would have had my neck for giving them a copy of that at their young age! I know reinvention is of paramount importance in this cut throat industry but it was tough to watch the Super Model of the world fall into a John Water's type of exploitive sleaze trap. Quite frankly, it would have been more enjoyable if you filmed a gay version of Mame and allowed your vocals full reign throughout. Please RuPaul, leave the sleaze to the likes of the talent less like Paris Hilton. You are far more talented in one press on nail than any 10 "stars" in the musical arena today. Fondly, Mike Ventarola Hidden Sanctuary Radio www.live365.com/stations/mavjb
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
at Tuesday, February 26, 2008 | Permalink
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