i can never remember which bible passage Sir Ian rips, and these conflicting accounts don't help me.
1.) Sir Ian McKellen is so offended by the Bible’s anti-gay stance he makes a point of ripping out the relevant page every time he stays in a hotel room. He finds it difficult to contain his outrage at the contents of Leviticus 20:13 when he spots the book in hotels. McKellen says, “It’s the one thing I find difficult to defend but do go on doing.” The Leviticus 20:13 passage reads: “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.”
2.) Sir Ian took a puff of a Marlboro Light and smiled like a serene party host. ''I can't wait to get into bed,'' he said. One aspect of his hotel room already felt like home: he had ripped the anti-gay passage Leviticus 18:22 from the Gideon Bible, a ritual that lets him sleep more soundly.
Posted by Ru
Monday, January 21, 2008
at Monday, January 21, 2008 |Permalink