Tuesday, January 01, 2008

strangely, all of the screeners i watched in the past 2 days had something to do with family conflict. is there any other kind? here's the list:
"before the devil knows you're dead" really good. Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Sidney Lumet directed. i guess i can finally forgive Lumet for fucking up "the wiz".
"the savages" another Phillip Seymour Hoffman film. it didn't suck, whatever.
"dan in real life" i couldn't get past the premise, which is so implausible and contrived that i shut it down after 40 minutes. don't get me wrong, i love implausible and contrived, but they couldn't pull it off.
"lars and the real girl" i really enjoyed this movie. Ryan Gosling has got the goods. he has an amazing inner dialog.
"once" shut down after 30 minutes. i was just not in the mood.
'the bucket list" Lifetime, television for women... starring two old geezers. i didn't shut it down. Nicholson has some funny lines.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
at Tuesday, January 01, 2008 | Permalink
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