Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Into The Wild" a fantastic movie, really moving, beautifully shot. i'm always intrigued by people who voluntarily step into the unknown. that's one of the reasons "The Wizard of Oz" is my favorite movie.

"Atonement" a boring, sleep inducing, English soap opera. all potatoes, no meat. at times, the movie felt like an unfunny skit from The Carol Burnett Show. Keira Knightley deserves special mention for her ability to stay so thin. well done, ol' girl.

"I'm Not There" in the art world, when a curator says "this is a very important piece of work", my reaction is always "i'll be the judge of that." it took me many years to develop the self-esteem to trust my own instincts when it came to art. my criteria? how does it make me feel? would i like to bring it home?
whenever people speak of Bob Dylan, it's always in hushed tones, as if to say "this is a very important artist". i say bollocks! he's a poser. Dylan is the epitome of The Great Rock & Roll Hoax. dressed in all black, sunglasses, a filterless cigarette and a guitar... "He's a rebel, sooo cool". "I'm Not There" only perpetuates the pretentious, superficial ideal of his coolness. at least Victoria Beckham has the guts to say i can't sing, i'm not smart, and i'm shallow. i'd rather see a movie about her.
Posted by Ru
Sunday, December 30, 2007
at Sunday, December 30, 2007 | Permalink
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