Saturday, December 29, 2007

i can't believe it took me this long to finally see Junebug. in 2005, why didn't one of my friends say "Ru, run! don't walk to see this movie, run, run, run!". this makes me question the judgement of all my so-called friends. i mean, how could a movie this amazing have slipped by me? this shit is one of the most important films ever made. totally effin' awesome.
Amy Adams has created a character that will lovingly live in my consciousness forever and ever. through her role in Junebug, she has earned her place among the real motherfuckin' bitches with real motherfuckin' talent... Geraldine Page, Sandy Dennis, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett.
Celia Weston rocks the house in Junebug as well. while we're at it, add Celia Weston to that list of real talent bitches, cause she consistently turns it out in every film she makes. she's the real deal.
you gotta rent Junebug. it is a freakin' masterpiece. Amy Adams is a friggin' genius.

i saw Juno. i did NOT like it. the script is way too precious and clever for it's own good. like "a very special" 2 hour episode of The Gilmore Girls. it did have fantastic actors, though.
Posted by Ru
Saturday, December 29, 2007
at Saturday, December 29, 2007 | Permalink
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