Thursday, November 29, 2007

buying furniture for my new El Lay digs, met the legendary Angelyne for the first time. she gave me her number to go out sometime and i'm gonna friggin' do it. oh, and i won't live here full-time, just sometime.

Tom and i went country line dancing tuesday night. we met this guy named David there and took him to see A-M at Jumbo's Clown Room. A-M was in full bloom and at her best. she is by far the best stripper i've ever seen... and i've seen alot. after that, we popped over to Rage to see the Dreamgirls Revue.

we had fun passing out promo flyers for my Virgin Mega-Store signing coming up this friday night... and speaking of signings, we had our most successful signing to date here in San Francisco at Medium Rare tonight. we sold more DVD's than ever before, and the fans were so lovely. even Peaches Christ came out to get her DVD signed.

we fly back to L.A. tomorrow afternoon, but wish i could spend more time here in gorgeous S.F.
Posted by Ru
Thursday, November 29, 2007
at Thursday, November 29, 2007 | Permalink
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