Tuesday, July 24, 2007
If the creators of 24 are serious about shaking up the troubled show next season, Starrbooty presents an inspired idea: Hire RuPaul as Jack Bauer's new partner. As the titular undercover agent in director Mike Ruiz's exploitation homage, Ru proves she can do anything Kiefer can do, but better. Starrbooty can not only handle a weapon but strike 10 different poses doing so. And torture? No problem…but it'll cost you extra.
There's the thinnest gossamer thread of a plot here (Starrbooty must go undercover as a hooker—of course—to rescue her kidnapped niece), but that's beside the point. The real story here is that RuPaul has made a comeback in the best way possible: in the outrageously subversive spirit of John Waters. This is the sort of movie that enlists porn titan Michael Lucas for a dick-swinging cameo and offers a beat-up prostitute who spits out blood then pops her gum right back in. The first half is an unqualified hoot, and though momentum flags near the end, at least there's still plenty of goodwill generated to get you through it. Drag might be positively PG these days (witness John Travolta in Hairspray), but RuPaul and her posse are as daring as ever.
Advocate film critic Kyle Buchanan's reviews from the Outfest film festival in Los Angeles.
Posted by Ru
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
at Tuesday, July 24, 2007 | Permalink
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