Tuesday, July 24, 2007
If the creators of 24 are serious about shaking up the troubled show next season, Starrbooty presents an inspired idea: Hire RuPaul as Jack Bauer's new partner. As the titular undercover agent in director Mike Ruiz's exploitation homage, Ru proves she can do anything Kiefer can do, but better. Starrbooty can not only handle a weapon but strike 10 different poses doing so. And torture? No problem…but it'll cost you extra.
There's the thinnest gossamer thread of a plot here (Starrbooty must go undercover as a hooker—of course—to rescue her kidnapped niece), but that's beside the point. The real story here is that RuPaul has made a comeback in the best way possible: in the outrageously subversive spirit of John Waters. This is the sort of movie that enlists porn titan Michael Lucas for a dick-swinging cameo and offers a beat-up prostitute who spits out blood then pops her gum right back in. The first half is an unqualified hoot, and though momentum flags near the end, at least there's still plenty of goodwill generated to get you through it. Drag might be positively PG these days (witness John Travolta in Hairspray), but RuPaul and her posse are as daring as ever.
Advocate film critic Kyle Buchanan's reviews from the Outfest film festival in Los Angeles.
Posted by Ru
at Tuesday, July 24, 2007 | Permalink
Monday, July 23, 2007
hey kids! last night i got to attend the los angeles premiere (@ outfest) of rupaul in starrbooty - directed by mike ruiz - it's a totally hilarious & way sassy exploitation film - with part russ meyers, part john waters and a little bit of 'naked gun' (as described by rupaul) all mixed together in a campy caper where 'the supermodel of the world' plays agent 'starrbooty' and must go undercover as a prostitute (she uses the alias 'cupcake') to find her niece 'cornisha' who was captured by 'annaka manners' who runs a dirty little empire selling body parts to the rich & famous! just by that description alone you can imagine the craziness whipped up!
there's even some hot full frontal male nudity provided by pornstars michael lucas, gus mattox, and cutie owen hawk! this is one film certainly not for the kiddies - everyone seemed to love the film and rupaul (in full costume) along w/ mr. ruiz were on hand to introduce starrbooty! i can't wait to the film lands on DVD - there were a lot of great one-liners that i missed because everyone was laughing! the trailer is posted below along with the music video for the track 'starrbooty' - i can't get that song out of my head! kudos to everyone involved in this labor of love - nobody makes movies like this anymore! (make sure to visit the website for a lot more 'starrbooty' content!) popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!
Posted by Ru
at Monday, July 23, 2007 | Permalink
Thursday, July 12, 2007
RuPaul’s "Starrbooty" To Premiere July 14 as part of Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian film festival
Starrbooty, the new madcap comedy film starring the original supermodel of the world RuPaul, will make its worldwide premiere at the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian film festival on Saturday July 14th, 9:30pm at Prince Music Theatre (1412 Chestnut St) & Sunday July 15th, 2:30pm at Wilma Theatre (265 S Broad St). The Supermodel diva will be hosting both screenings in full hooker drag with film director Mike Ruiz.
"We are very excited to showcase our film at the Philadelphia International film festival this weekend," announced Mike Ruiz, the award-winning photographer who makes his directorial debut with Starrbooty. There has been such a tremendous pre-release response to Starrbooty and I’m so excited to finally be able to offer it to audiences. Starrbooty is jam-packed with delicious dialogue, insane characters, outrageous costumes and gratuitous hair and make-up. I think people are going to find it very entertaining, as well as sexy, sassy and salacious."
"The goal was to make an exploitation film that was part Russ Meyer, part John Waters and part The Naked Gun," added RuPaul. "Plus, "I’ve always loved women in movies who kick ass." In addition to starring in the film, RuPaul wrote the hilarious screenplay.
When supermodel agency operative Starrbooty learns her niece has been kidnapped by her archrival, Annaka Manners, Starrbooty’s only option is to go undercover as a street hooker to rescue her. The only snag in our heroine’s plan is that in order to infiltrate the prostitution underworld she has to gain street credibility by going all the way with the johns.
Deep cover threatens to unravel Starrbooty at her very core because this time, not only is it personal but she discovers secrets about her true identity that she was never supposed to know.
RuPaul first developed the character of Starrbooty in 1985. "I was on a morning TV show in Atlanta promoting one of my earlier albums and the host, who had become a friend from being on the show so many times joked that he had described me a hundred different ways, and asked how I would describe myself. I said, ’You know what? Call me Starrbooty!’ And voila, Starrbooty was born.
"I made my first Starrbooty film in 1986 with director Jon Witherspoon," continued RuPaul. "We filmed three Starrbooty films, all on a home camera. The films were raw and amateurish. For 2007, I wanted to do a higher quality film. I had worked with Mike Ruiz on several music videos and we share the same sense of humor."
RuPaul believes humor is sorely needed today.
"The current times we live in are sterile and boring. Everybody takes themselves so seriously. Irony is lost on most people. Even Sacha Baron Cohen had to explain that his film Borat was a parody. I can’t stand all the politically correct crap... it sucks!
And we need to laugh. People will love Starrbooty because it will make them laugh their ass off. Everyone gets exploited in this film."
Rupaul is Starrbooty. The film also stars Lahoma Van Zandt, Candis Cayne, and Gus Mattox as Max. Special appearances by Michael Lucas, Owen Hawk, Lady Bunny, Jazmine Jimenez, Corey Corety, Dee Finley, Richard Lynch, Laura Forbes, Kayvon Zand, Sweetie, Tim Wallis and Ari Gold. Soundtrack by RuPaul.
EDGE Philadelphia .
Posted by Ru
at Thursday, July 12, 2007 | Permalink
Friday, July 06, 2007
FILM SYNOPSIS USA 2007 | Run time: 85 min. | Director: Mike Ruiz
The one and only RuPaul stars in this sex-filled, riotously funny, jaw-droppingly crude and down-n-dirty send-up of secret agent blaxploitation flicks.
RuPaul is Starrbooty, a top (well, actually a bottom as you'll soon see) secret ops agent who is plunged into chaos when her niece is kidnapped by long-time nemesis and fellow indulger of flawless skin and skin-tight couture, Annaka Manners (Candis Cayne). It seems that Miss Not-So-Nice Manners has a devious plot to snatch hookers off the street so that she can cut ‘em up and sell ‘em off one piece at a time. Starrbooty is forced to go "undercover ho" to rescue her niece… and her own true identity. Directed by hunky photographer and actor Mike Ruiz (Latin Boys Go to Hell), Starrbooty is stuffed and tucked with some of the most outrageously twisted set pieces you'll see this year. Highlights include a priest with a penchant for yanking his "rosary" while inhaling freshly expelled air biscuits, Starrbooty taking it up the wazoo from her boss, Max (a very naked Gus Mattox), explicit full-on frontal pleasures from Michael Lucas and Owen Hawk and a demented Lady Bunny unleashing her "inner beauty" in a scene certain to cause horrified howls of laughter. But make no mistake -- Starrbooty is RuPaul's show all the way, and the forever Supermodel of the World delivers on all counts. Filled with references to iconic films of the past, fierce outfits, wigs and makeup, scatological humor (literally!), a wicked soundtrack and plenty of exposed he-man fleshrods, Starrbooty is a fried, dyed and laid to the side-splitting kick-ass good time.
-- Erik Schut
CAST & CREW DIRECTOR: Mike Ruiz WRITER: Bianca Dinkins CAST: Andre Robert Lee, Ari Gold, Candis Cayne, Corey Corey, Daniel T. 'Sweetie' Boothe, Dee Finley, Jazmine Jimenez, Kayla Aguirre, Kayvon Zand, Lady Bunny, Lahoma Van Zandt, Laura Forbes, Michael Lucas, Owen Hawk, Richard A. Lynch, RuPaul, Tim Wallis, Tom Judson (aka Gus Mattox) PRODUCER: RuPaul CINEMATOGRAPHER: David Berman EDITOR: Spencer Lee Schilly .
Posted by Ru
at Friday, July 06, 2007 | Permalink
Monday, July 02, 2007
“This is the front, and this is the back,” purred RuPaul, turning appropriately to utter her classic “Supermodel of the World” catch phrase. She was modeling her silver skin-tight gown embossed with hundreds of Austrian crystals during her appearance at the SF International Film Festival premiere of Starrbooty on June 23 at the Castro Theatre. This hilarious spoof on spy films and exploitation of women in jeopardy stars RuPaul in deliciously tasteless street whore drag. In addition, she co-wrote, edited, and produced the movie. Supermodel RuPaul donned a gigantic white Afro wig especially for the occasion. Directed by Mike Ruiz, who directed Latin Boys Go to Hell, this production was his ten-year anniversary at the Castro Theatre. Taking a little over a year to make, the film was, in RuPaul’s slightly caustic words, “a love letter to not only the rightwing Republicans, but also to the politically correct liberals.”
The film opens with the introduction: “In a city filled with terror, one woman will change the course of history.” That would be RuPaul as agent Starrbooty, who needs to find her niece Cornisha who has been kidnapped by her archrival, Annaka Manners. Forced to go undercover as a hooker named Cupcake, Starrbooty must have sex with her johns, which means we get to see such hot porn stars as Gus Mattox and their big dicks and balls boldly displayed. We also see a plethora of drag queens, of course. The movie has such colorful phrases as: “I’m gonna hunt you down like a crack whore after her baby Daddy on payday.” The Lady Bunny has a small role. As do many famous Big Apple DQs.
RuPaul and Ruiz were gracious enough to have a Q&A session after the screening. RuPaul said it was so much more fun to dress up as a black hooker than doing the glam thing. She has so many costume changes; it is hard to keep up without a scorecard. “We were out there in the meat market, and during my break I’d suck a few meatpackers off,” she elaborated. “And you know, I can’t do that when I’m wearing couture.” She noted, “I have an L.A. face and an Oakland booty.” She joked, “The after-party tonight is at the Squat and Gobble,” and illustrated by squatting on her high heels and pantomiming performing fellatio on Ruiz.
When asked about her opinion of the Rev. Jerry Falwell, she said, “We were so heartbroken when he passed, so we decided to dedicate the film to him.” Ruiz commented with tongue in cheek, “Our movie was deeply rooted in politics, philosophy, and every moral topic you could imagine.” RuPaul said body parts were a big part of her life (and there are lots of those in the movie, trust me) and her idols are Judge Judy - number one, Suzanne Summers – number two, and Victoria “Posh” Beckham. It is not clear whether or not she was serious. I mean … Judge Judy?! She said the casting of the male porn stars was a tedious process [not!!] involving months and months of casting: “We saw thousands of actors across the country,” she embellished. Ruiz, the voice of clarity, said, “But we really wanted to do it.” RuPaul replied, “We wanted to put as many cocks and titties in the movie as possible.” She confessed, “My favorite actors are porn stars.” RuPaul said there were no scenes she played that embarrassed her. She jested, “Most people know me as America’s drag queen sweetheart, but this movie is more of what I really am.” She explained her hooker name, Cupcake, as a moniker she customarily gave herself when she used to drink. “After two o’clock in the morning, my name became Cupcake. After five in the morning, I became Bianca Binkins.”
She was thrilled to dig up Lahoma Van Zandt (who plays Starrbooty’s sidekick, agent Paige Turner aka Pepper Anderson, her fellow phony whore) after the DQ had been retired for nine years. “She came back out to do this movie because it’s a throwback to the Village and our whole thing back then.” She said this movie was inspired by a short that she and her DQ pals did in Atlanta 20 years ago, which she edited rather unprofessionally on two VCRs, which became a cult movie among her friends and fans. She announced that the single from the soundtrack is available on I-tunes but not as a CD, because “nobody does CDs any more. They are so 2000.” She hopes that the entire soundtrack will be out soon via Internet downloads.
“You know, I’m all current and shit.” She quoted her favorite lines: “Rise, shine, clock say pussy time; bust my pussy nut while I’m fingering your butt; do I suck dick? You ain’t seen shit. Grow it and watch it slide down my throat.” She said not at all humbly, “Not only do I have a great pair of sticks [legs], but I have a pretty fierce [lack of] gag reflex.” She said in somewhat seriousness, “What other people think of me ain’t none of my goddamn business.” She said, “This movie really is a labor of love. We did this for ourselves. If anybody else sees it: whatever. If you get something out of it: great. But we had a fuckin’ gay time with it!”
RuPaul gave her personal philosophy on beauty: “Really, it’s a state of mind. If you believe what’s between your ears, everyone else will believe it.
You are fabulous!”
RuPaul Appears Live at Her Screening of Starrbooty By Sister Dana Van Iquity Published: June 28, 2007 San Francisco Bay Times .
Posted by Ru
at Monday, July 02, 2007 | Permalink
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